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R - cleaning data with repeated columns for different locations


I am working with a Qualtrics survey where blocks of questions repeat themselves based on previous questions using a function in the survey build called "loop and merge". I'm trying to pull out like questions and then use rbind so that each question only shows up once in a column. I have a basic example below, however in my actual data, the repeats happen 36 times.

example data frame:

dat <- data.frame("1_q1" = 1:4,
                  "1_q2" = c("a", "b", "c", "d"),
                  "2_q1" = 22:25,
                  "2_q2" = c("i", "j", "k", "l"),
                  "3_q1" = 90:93,
                  "3_q2" = c("p", "q", "r", "s"), check.names = FALSE)

note that the "1_" at the start of "1_q1" is the county's reference number

What I could do but that is inefficient, especially since my actual data repeats these questions 36 times:

dat_1 <- dat %>%
  select(1:2) %>%
  rename(q = 1:2) %>%
  mutate("county" = 1)
dat_2 <- dat %>%
  select(3:4) %>%
  rename(q = 1:2) %>%
  mutate("county" = 2)

dat_3 <- dat %>%
  select(5:6) %>%
  rename(q = 1:2)%>%
  mutate("county" = 3)

dat_final <- rbind(dat_1, dat_2, dat_3)

the "dat_final" data frame is what I'd like the data to look like, but also have formatted again here:

dat_clean <- data.frame("q1" = c(1:4, 22:25, 90:93),
                        "q2" = c("a", "b", "c", "d", 
                                 "i", "j", "k", "l", 
                                 "p", "q", "r", "s"),
                        "county" = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3))

I'm horrible with loops but sick of being inefficient with my code.

CodePudding user response:

A solution using dplyr, purrr, stringr - This solution is not affected by columns orders, number of q columns. It just use the perfix as base for processing data.


dat <- data.frame("1_q1" = 1:4,
                  "1_q2" = c("a", "b", "c", "d"),
                  "2_q1" = 22:25,
                  "2_q2" = c("i", "j", "k", "l"),
                  "3_q1" = 90:93,
                  "3_q2" = c("p", "q", "r", "s"), check.names = FALSE)

# Here is the indexes of county that want to extract from df
county_index <- c("1", "2", "3")

# Function that take index as input and will extract data from `dat` df
edit_df <- function(index) {
  dat %>%
    # select column start with index prefix
    select(matches(paste0(index, "_"))) %>%
    # remove the index prefix from string
    rename_all(~ str_replace(., regex("^\\d _", ignore_case = TRUE), "")) %>%
    # add county column with the input inex
    mutate("county" = as.numeric(index))

Result using purrr::map_dfr

# map the county index that want to extract from original df and edit_df function
dat_clean <- map_dfr(.x = county_index, .f = edit_df)

#>    q1 q2 county
#> 1   1  a      1
#> 2   2  b      1
#> 3   3  c      1
#> 4   4  d      1
#> 5  22  i      2
#> 6  23  j      2
#> 7  24  k      2
#> 8  25  l      2
#> 9  90  p      3
#> 10 91  q      3
#> 11 92  r      3
#> 12 93  s      3

Created on 2022-05-25 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

CodePudding user response:

You can do the following, which uses a seq from 1 to ncol(dat), by 2:

  lapply(seq(1,ncol(dat),2), \(i) {
    dat %>% select(c(i,i 1)) %>% rename_all(~c("q1","q2")) %>% mutate(county=(i 1)/2)


   q1 q2 county
1   1  a      1
2   2  b      1
3   3  c      1
4   4  d      1
5  22  i      2
6  23  j      2
7  24  k      2
8  25  l      2
9  90  p      3
10 91  q      3
11 92  r      3
12 93  s      3

Another approach, with data.table


rbindlist(lapply(seq(1,ncol(dat),2), \(i) {
  setnames(dat[,i:(i 1)],c("q1","q2"))
}), use.names=F,idcol = "county")


    county q1 q2
 1:      1  1  a
 2:      1  2  b
 3:      1  3  c
 4:      1  4  d
 5:      2 22  i
 6:      2 23  j
 7:      2 24  k
 8:      2 25  l
 9:      3 90  p
10:      3 91  q
11:      3 92  r
12:      3 93  s
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