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Change first section of value in dataframe with another value


I'm attempting to replace the first section of a value in my dataframe by using a lambda function.


  • If the Preferred_Name column is not null then replace everything after the "," in Resource_Name with the value listed in Preferred_Name.
  • If Preferred_Name is blank ignore the row.
  • Once completed, drop the Preferred_Name column.

I wrote this code thus far. I receive an error saying "TypeError: string indices must be integers" which I believe is coming from the loc. function.

df['Resource_Name'] = df['Resource_Name'].apply(
                                                lambda x: x.split()[2]   ", "   x['Preferred_Name']
                                                if x['Preferred_Name'] == pd.isnull(df.loc[x, 'Preferred_Name'])
                                                else x['Resource_Name']
df = df.drop(['Preferred_Name'], axis = 1)

Visual illustration:

Current display: enter image description here

Objective display:

enter image description here

Thank you for your assistance!

CodePudding user response:

You can use .str.split() to split on the comma, take the first part, and then add on the values from Prefered_Name, where Prefered_Name is not an empty string:

new_data = df['Resource_Name'].str.split(r',\s ').str[0]   ', '   df['Prefered_Name']
df.loc[df['Prefered_Name'] != '', 'Resource_Name'] = new_data
df = df.drop('Prefered_Name', axis=1)


>>> df
0     Lewis, Calvin
1     Lewis, Calvin
2  Lewis, William C
3     Lewis, Calvin
4     Lewis, Calvin

CodePudding user response:

This is how I came to the conclusion

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

data = {
    'Resource_Name' : ['Will, Turner C', 'Will, William', 'Will, Williamson', 'Will, Will iam son'],
    'Prefered_Name' : [None, 'Bill', None, 'Billy']

df = pd.DataFrame(data)
condition_list = [df['Prefered_Name'].values != None]
choice_list = [df['Resource_Name'].apply(lambda x : x.split(',')[0])   ', '   df['Prefered_Name']]
df['Resource_Name'] = np.select(condition_list, choice_list, df['Resource_Name'])
df = df[['Resource_Name']]

CodePudding user response:

Here is a solution:

df['Resource_Name'] = df[['Resource_Name', 'Preferred_Name']].apply(
    lambda x: f'{x[0].split(",")[0]}, {x[1]}' if x[1] else x[0], axis=1
df.drop('Preferred_Name', axis=1, inplace=True)


>>> df
0     Lewis, Calvin
1     Lewis, Calvin
2  Lewis, William C
3     Lewis, Calvin
4     Lewis, Calvin

CodePudding user response:

df.loc[~df['Preferred_Name'].isna(), 'Resource_Name'] = \
    df[~df['Preferred_Name'].isna()]['Resource_Name'].str.extract('(.*,)').squeeze()   ' '   df['Preferred_Name']

df.drop('Preferred_Name', axis=1)

0     Lewis, Calvin
1     Lewis, Calvin
2  Lewis, William C
3     Lewis, Calvin
4     Lewis, Calvin
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