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Why does Prolog skip all further if statements in recursion if one of them fails?


The point of the program is to calculate the sum of all even numbers in a list of integers.

    is_even(Q):- Q mod 2 =:= 0.  

    sum_even([A|L],X) :-  sum_even(L,X1) -> is_even(A) -> X is X1   A .

Whenever the is_even predicate succeeds there is no problem, it normally goes back to calculate the sum. However when the number is not even and is_even checks it, it fails, goes back to the recursion and fails everything that follows, doesn't even check if the number is even anymore and just returns false. In a list full of even numbers it works as intended, it returns the sum of all numbers in the list. This here is the trace of the code

CodePudding user response:

Using an accumulator with tail-end recursion is fastest:

is_even(N) :-
    N mod 2 =:= 0.

sum_even(Lst, Sum) :-
    sum_even_(Lst, 0, Sum).

sum_even_([], Sum, Sum).
sum_even_([H|T], Upto, Sum) :-
    (   is_even(H) ->
        Upto1 is Upto   H
    ;   Upto1 = Upto
    sum_even_(T, Upto1, Sum).

sum_even_slow([], 0).
sum_even_slow([H|T], Sum) :-
    sum_even_slow(T, Sum0),
    (   is_even(H) ->
        Sum is Sum0   H
    ;   Sum = Sum0

Performance comparison in swi-prolog:

?- numlist(1, 1_000_000, L), time(sum_even(L, Sum)).
% 4,000,002 inferences, 0.765 CPU in 0.759 seconds (101% CPU, 5228211 Lips)
Sum = 250000500000.

?- numlist(1, 1_000_000, L), time(sum_even_slow(L, Sum)).
% 4,000,001 inferences, 4.062 CPU in 4.023 seconds (101% CPU, 984755 Lips)
Sum = 250000500000.

CodePudding user response:

add_even(X, Buffer, Sum) :-
    (0 =:= X mod 2 -> 
        Sum is Buffer   X
    ;   Sum = Buffer).

Used with foldl(add_even, Nums, 0, Sum) is about as fast as brebs' tail recursion. Using SWISH Online:

?- numlist(1, 1_000_000, _L), time(sum_even(_L, Sum)).
4,000,002 inferences, 0.699 CPU in 0.699 seconds (100% CPU, 5724382 Lips)
Sum = 250000500000

?- numlist(1, 1_000_000, _L), time(foldl(add_even, _L, 0, Sum)).
4,000,002 inferences, 0.712 CPU in 0.712 seconds (100% CPU, 5621314 Lips)
Sum = 250000500000

(I am curious, if they both do exactly 4,000,002 inferences how come the sum_even seems to get higher LIPS throughput and finish slightly faster?)

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