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Check Array and Hash is Empty or Not


I have an array and hash. I just want to check whether they both are empty or not.

I found below two methods to check this. Any suggestion which would be more suffice.


use strict; use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;

my @a = qw/a b c/; 
print Dumper(\@a);

my %b = (1 => "Hi");
print Dumper(\%b);

@a = ();
%b = ();

#Method 1
if(!@a && !%b){
    print "Empty\n";
} else {
    print "Not empty\n";

#Method 2
if(!scalar @a && !scalar keys %b){
    print "Empty\n";
} else {
    print "Not empty\n";

The case here is, either both would be Empty or both would have some values.

CodePudding user response:

For finding whether a hash or array is empty,

  • Hash empty-ness: (%hash) and (keys %hash), when used in a boolean context, are equally optimised internally, and have been since since perl 5.28.0. They both just examine the hash for non-emptiness and evaluate to a true or false value. Prior to that, it was much more complex, and changed across releases, that is to say (keys %hash) may have been faster, but this is no longer a concern.
  • Array empty-ness: @array in scalar context has always been efficient, and will tell you whether the array is empty.

CodePudding user response:


Use @a in scalar context.


say @a ? "not empty" : "empty";
   or die( "At least one value is required" );
my $num_elements = @a;


Use %h or keys( %h ) in scalar context.

If the code will be run on older versions of Perl, you want keys( %hash ) because %h was inefficient before 5.26.


say %h ? "not empty" : "empty";   # Slower before 5.26
say keys( %h ) ? "not empty" : "empty";
%h                                # Slower before 5.26
   or die( "At least one element is required" );
keys( %h )
   or die( "At least one element is required" );
my $has_elements = %h;            # Slower before 5.26
my $num_elements = %h;            # 5.26 
my $num_elements = keys( %h );

Note that !@a and !scalar @a are identical since ! already imposes a scalar context. The same goes for !scalar keys %b and !keys %b.

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  • perl
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