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Pandas convert numeric year to text value till day resolution


I have dataframe like as below


I would like to do the below

a) display the output in text format as 5 years and 9 months instead of 5.93244 etc.

I tried the below

from datetime import timedelta
df['purchase_date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['purchase_date'])
gb = df_new.groupby(['unique_key'])
df_cust_age = gb['purchase_date'].agg(min_date=np.min, max_date=np.max).reset_index()
df_cust_age['diff_in_days'] = df_cust_age['max_date'] - df_cust_age['min_date']
df_cust_age['years_diff'] = df_cust_age['diff_in_days']/timedelta(days=365)

but the above code gives the output in decimal numbers.

I expect my output to be like as below

  1, 1 years and 11 months and 0 day
  2, 0 years
  3, 1 year and 1 month and 1 day

CodePudding user response:

If possible create 'default' month with 30 days use this custom function:


def td_format(td_object):
    seconds = int(td_object.total_seconds())
    periods = [
        ('year',        60*60*24*365),
        ('month',       60*60*24*30),
        ('day',         60*60*24),
        ('hour',        60*60),
        ('minute',      60),
        ('second',      1)

    for period_name, period_seconds in periods:
        if seconds > period_seconds:
            period_value , seconds = divmod(seconds, period_seconds)
            has_s = 's' if period_value > 1 else ''
            strings.append("%s %s%s" % (period_value, period_name, has_s))

    return ", ".join(strings) if len(strings) > 0 else '0 year'

df_cust_age['years_diff'] = df_cust_age['diff_in_days'].apply(td_format)
print (df_cust_age)
   cust_id   min_date   max_date diff_in_days       years_diff
0        1 1998-10-01 1999-10-12     376 days  1 year, 11 days
1        2 2016-05-13 2016-05-13       0 days           0 year
2        3 2018-02-14 2019-03-15     394 days  1 year, 29 days

CodePudding user response:

from io import StringIO
import pandas as pd
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta as RD

string_data = '''unique_key,purchase_date

## Custom functions
diff_obj = lambda d1,d2:RD(d1, d2) if d1>d2 else RD(d2, d1)
date_tuple = lambda diff:(diff.years,diff.months,diff.days)
pipeline = lambda row:date_tuple(diff_obj(row['min_date'],row['max_date']))

def string_format(date_tuple):
    final_string = []
    for val,name in zip(date_tuple,['years','months','day']):
        if val:
            final_string.append(f'{val} {name}')
    return ' and '.join(final_string) if final_string else '0 years'
## Custom functions

df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(string_data))
df['purchase_date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['purchase_date'],format='%d/%m/%Y')

gb = df.groupby(['unique_key'])
df_cust_age = gb['purchase_date'].agg(min_date=np.min, max_date=np.max).reset_index()

df_cust_age['years_diff'] = df_cust_age.apply(pipeline,axis=1).apply(string_format)

    unique_key  min_date    max_date    years_diff
0   1           1998-01-10  1999-12-10  1 years and 11 months
1   2           2016-05-13  2016-05-13  0 years
2   3           2018-02-14  2019-03-15  1 years and 1 months and 1 day
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