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How to get the most sold Product in PostgreSQL?


Given a table products

pid name
123 Milk
456 Tea
789 Cake
... ...

and a table sales

stamp pid units
14:54 123 3
15:02 123 9
15:09 456 1
15:14 456 1
15:39 456 2
15:48 789 12
... ... ...

How would I be able to get the product(s) with the most sold units? My goal is to run a SELECT statement that results in, for this example,

pid name
123 Milk
789 Cake

because the sum of sold units of both those products is 12, the maximum value (greater than 4 for Tea, despite there being more sales for Tea).

I have the following query:

SELECT DISTINCT products.pid, products.name
FROM sales
    INNER JOIN products ON sale.pid = products.pid
        SELECT pid, SUM(units) as sum_units
        FROM sales
        GROUP BY pid
    ) AS total_units ON total_units.pid = sales.pid
WHERE total_units.sum_units IN (
    SELECT MAX(sum_units) as max_units
    FROM (
        SELECT pid, SUM(units) as sum_units
        FROM sales
        GROUP BY pid
    ) AS total_units

However, this seems very long, confusing, and inefficient, even repeating the sub-query to obtain total_units, so I was wondering if there was a better way to accomplish this.

How can I simplify this? Note that I can't use ORDER BY SUM(units) LIMIT 1 in case there are multiple (i.e., >1) products with the most units sold.

Thank you in advance.

CodePudding user response:

Since Postgres 13 it has supported with ties so your query can be simply this:

select p.pId, p.name
from sales s
join products p on p.pid = s.pid
group by p.pId, p.name
order by Sum(units) desc
fetch first 1 rows with ties;

See demo Fiddle

CodePudding user response:

Solution for your problem:

WITH cte1 AS
 SELECT s.pid, p.name,
 SUM(units) as total_units
 FROM sales s
 INNER JOIN products p
 ON s.pid = p.pid
 GROUP BY s.pid, p.name
cte2 AS
 DENSE_RANK() OVER(ORDER BY total_units DESC) as rn
 FROM cte1
SELECT pid,name
FROM cte2
WHERE rn = 1

Working example: db_fiddle link

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