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Making Valid JSON-LD Schema & Object Instance


I'm trying to create a graph database for describing power systems and this is my first time using JSON-LD.

Steps so far:

  • Created a schema according to the enter image description here


      "$id": "https://osuked.github.io/Power-Station-Dictionary/power-station",
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "capacity": { "type": "float" },
        "fuel-type": { "type": "string" }
      "required": ["capacity", "fuel-type"]

    Example object instance

      "@context": "https://osuked.github.io/Power-Station-Dictionary/power-station.json",
      "@id": "http://osuked.github.io/Drax",
      "capacity": 12,
      "fuel-type": "wind"

    CodePudding user response:

    Check the definition of the context (https://json-ld.org/spec/latest/json-ld/#the-context). It must specify how your properties (capacity and fuel-type) map to RDF properties. You can either provide the definitions inline or point to a URL that contains this mapping (e.g. https://schema.org/docs/jsonldcontext.jsonld).

    In your example, you provide the URL https://osuked.github.io/Power-Station-Dictionary/power-station.json. It contains a JSON document but does not contain the JSON-LD context, because JSON Schema != JSON LD (you might find this article helpful to understand the difference: https://dashjoin.medium.com/json-schema-schema-org-json-ld-whats-the-difference-e30d7315686a).

    Therefore, the JSON LD playground does not show an error (no property definitions found) but also shows no parsed triples.

    To fix this, you can try using "@context": "http://schema.org/", you can define a namespace prefix p,

      "@context": {
        "p": "https://osuked.github.io/Power-Station-Dictionary/power-station/"
      "@id": "http://osuked.github.io/Drax",
      "p:capacity": 12,
      "p:fuel-type": "wind"

    or define the properties individually:

      "@context": {
        "capacity": "https://osuked.github.io/Power-Station-Dictionary/power-station/capacity",
        "fuel-type": "https://osuked.github.io/Power-Station-Dictionary/power-station/fuel-type"
      "@id": "http://osuked.github.io/Drax",
      "capacity": 12,
      "fuel-type": "wind"
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