My requirement is to create a global temporary table and store data there which I would access later. I give a dynamic name to my global temporary table and getting error that
Invalid object name '##Tmp1_84'.
84 is @SPID
here is my script. please have a look and tell me what to rectify in code to get rid of runtime error Invalid object name '##Tmp1_84'
CREATE Proc USP_GetValuationValue
@Ticker VARCHAR(10),
@ClientCode VARCHAR(10),
@GroupName VARCHAR(10)
DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(MAX),
@CRLF nchar(2) = NCHAR(13) NCHAR(10);
SET @SQL = N'SELECT * INTO ##Tmp1_' @SPID ' FROM (SELECT min(id) ID,f.ticker,f.ClientCode,f.GroupName,f.RecOrder,' STUFF((SELECT N',' @CRLF N' '
N'MAX(CASE FieldName WHEN ' QUOTENAME(FieldName,'''') N' THEN FieldValue END) AS ' QUOTENAME(FieldName)
FROM tblValuationSubGroup g
WHERE ticker=@Ticker AND ClientCode=@ClientCode AND GroupName=@GroupName
GROUP BY FieldName
ORDER BY MIN(FieldOrder)
FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE).value('(./text())[1]','nvarchar(MAX)'),1,10,N'') @CRLF
N'FROM (select * from tblValuationFieldValue' @CRLF
N'WHERE Ticker = ''' @Ticker ''' AND ClientCode = ''' @ClientCode ''' AND GroupName=''' @GroupName ''') f' @CRLF
N'GROUP BY f.ticker,f.ClientCode,f.GroupName,f.RecOrder) X';
--EXEC sys.sp_executesql @SQL
EXEC('select * from ##Tmp1_' @SPID ' ORDER BY Broker')
CodePudding user response:
George has mentioned why your attempt doesn't work in their answer, so I'm not going to touch on that.
I'm instead going to fix the problem, which I touch on in my comments. In truth, there is no need for a (global) temporary table, you just SELECT ... INTO
it and then SELECT
from it; you make no further transformations making it pointless. AS such you could just SELECT
the data in the first place, no temporary table needed.
I also fix your injection issue; this is a fatal flaw. Dynamic SQL accepts parameters and you using them is a must; not using parameters and instead using injection opens you up to all sorts of errors and security issues.
I can't test this, but I suspect this will work. If not, use your best friend to debug and propagate fixes to the dynamic SQL on any bits I've missed (or provide code we can run above with an MRE).
CREATE Proc USP_GetValuationValue
@Ticker VARCHAR(10),
@ClientCode VARCHAR(10),
@GroupName VARCHAR(10)
DECLARE @SPID VARCHAR(MAX), --Is this even used now?
@SQL nvarchar(MAX),
@CRLF nchar(2) = NCHAR(13) NCHAR(10);
SET @SQL = N'SELECT * FROM (SELECT min(id) ID,f.ticker,f.ClientCode,f.GroupName,f.RecOrder,' STUFF((SELECT N',' @CRLF N' '
N'MAX(CASE FieldName WHEN ' QUOTENAME(FieldName,'''') N' THEN FieldValue END) AS ' QUOTENAME(FieldName)
FROM tblValuationSubGroup g
WHERE ticker=@Ticker AND ClientCode=@ClientCode AND GroupName=@GroupName
GROUP BY FieldName
ORDER BY MIN(FieldOrder)
FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE).value('(./text())[1]','nvarchar(MAX)'),1,10,N'') @CRLF
N'FROM (select * from tblValuationFieldValue' @CRLF
N'WHERE Ticker = @Ticker AND ClientCode = @ClientCode AND GroupName= @GroupName) f' @CRLF
N'GROUP BY f.ticker,f.ClientCode,f.GroupName,f.RecOrder) X' @CRLF
N'ORDER Y Broker;';
--PRINT @SQL; --YOur best friend
--EXEC sys.sp_executesql @SQL --Why did you comment this out? This is correct!
EXEC sys.sp_executesql @SQL, N'@Ticker varchar(10), @ClientCode varchar(10), @GroupName varchar(10)', @Ticker, @ClientCode, @GroupName