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Perl script to search a word inside the directory


I'am looking for a perl script to grep for a string in all files inside a directory .

bash command . Code: grep -r 'word' /path/to/dir

CodePudding user response:

This is a fairly canonical task while I couldn't find straight answers with a possibly easiest and simples tool for the job, the handy Path::Tiny

use warnings;
use strict;
use feature 'say';

use Data::Dump;  # dd
use Path::Tiny;  # path 

my $dir = shift // ".";

my $pattern = qr/word/;

my $ret = path($dir)->visit( 
    sub { 
        my ($entry, $state) = @_; 
        return if not -f; 
        for ($entry->lines) {
            if (/$pattern/) {
                print "$entry: $_";
                push @{$state->{$entry}}, $_;  
    { recurse => 1 } 

dd $ret;  # print the returned complex data structure

The way a file is read here, using lines, is just one way to do that. It may not be suitable for extremely large files as it reads all lines at once, where one better read line by line.

The visit method is based on iterator, which accomplishes this task cleanly as well

my $iter = path($dir)->iterator({ recurse => 1 });

my $info;

while (my $e = $iter->()) { 
    next if not -f $e; 
    # process the file $e as needed
    #/$pattern/ and push @{$info->{$e}}, $_ and print "$e: $_" 
    #    for $e->lines 

Here we have to provide a data structure to accumulate information but we get more flexibility.

Otherwise, there are libraries for recursive traversal and searching, for example File::Find (or File::Find::Rule) or Path::Iterator::Rule

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