I want to return a list like the one below. All category records which have a parent. Displaying parent name and category name.
I'm using a self-join (self-associated?) model 'category' in which categories can be parents of other categories.
It works with the pure SQL just below, but how can I do it with ActiveRecord?
> sql="select p.name parent, s.name category from categories s join categories p on s.parent_id=p.id"
> ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql)
(0.4ms) select p.name parent, s.name category from categories s join categories p on s.parent_id=p.id
[{"parent"=>"Income", "category"=>"Available next month"},
{"parent"=>"Income", "category"=>"Available this month"},
{"parent"=>"1. Everyday Expenses", "category"=>"Fuel"},
{"parent"=>"1. Everyday Expenses", "category"=>"Groceries"},
{"parent"=>"1. Everyday Expenses", "category"=>"Restaurants"},
{"parent"=>"1. Everyday Expenses", "category"=>"Entertainment"},
{"parent"=>"1. Everyday Expenses", "category"=>"Household & Cleaning"},
{"parent"=>"1. Everyday Expenses", "category"=>"Clothing"},
{"parent"=>"1. Everyday Expenses", "category"=>"MISC"},
{"parent"=>"2. Monthly Expenses", "category"=>"Phone"},
{"parent"=>"2. Monthly Expenses", "category"=>"Rent"},
{"parent"=>"2. Monthly Expenses", "category"=>"Internet & Utilities"},
{"parent"=>"2. Monthly Expenses", "category"=>"News Subscriptions"},
{"parent"=>"2. Monthly Expenses", "category"=>"Car Registration"}]
I've been trying several queries. This appears to replicate my SQL closest, but returns nothing usable.
> Category.select('parents_categories.name as parent, categories.name as category').joins(:parent)
Category Load (0.7ms) SELECT parents_categories.name as parent, categories.name as category FROM "categories" INNER JOIN "categories" "parents_categories" ON "parents_categories"."id" = "categories"."parent_id"
[#<Category:0x000055fefee12af0 id: nil>,
#<Category:0x000055fefee12a28 id: nil>,
#<Category:0x000055fefee12960 id: nil>,
#<Category:0x000055fefee12898 id: nil>,
This was my other try, but I'm struggling with the syntax, and it just ignores the :parent['name'] phrase
> Category.select(:parent['name'],:name).joins(:parent).first
Category Load (0.2ms) SELECT "categories"."name" FROM "categories" INNER JOIN "categories" "parents_categories" ON "parents_categories"."id" = "categories"."parent_id" ORDER BY "categories"."id" ASC LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]]
=> #<Category:0x000055feff38cd78 id: nil, name: "Available next month">
create_table "categories", force: :cascade do |t|
t.string "name", null: false
t.integer "parent_id"
class Category < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :parent, class_name: "Category", optional: true
has_many :subcategories, class_name: "Category", foreign_key: :parent_id
I can't find a matching example from the Rails guide here: https://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_record_querying.html And stackoverflow questions like this (Unable to join self-joins tables in Rails) are close but not getting me across the finish line
UPDATE: I've found a convoluted answer from this website: https://medium.com/@swapnilggourshete/rails-includes-vs-joins-9bf3a8ada00
> c = Category.where.not(parent: nil).includes(:parent)
> c_data = [ ]
> c.each do |c|
c_data << {
parent: c.parent.name,
category: c.name
[{:parent=>"Income", :category=>"Available next month"},
{:parent=>"Income", :category=>"Available this month"},
{:parent=>"1. Everyday Expenses", :category=>"Fuel"},
{:parent=>"1. Everyday Expenses", :category=>"Groceries"},
{:parent=>"1. Everyday Expenses", :category=>"Restaurants"},...]
But there must be a better way.
CodePudding user response:
You are really close my friend. Just a little tweak and you will get what you are looking for
Category.select('parents_categories.name as parent_category, categories.name as category').joins(:parent).as_json(except: :id)
Note if you have belongs_to :parent
, parent
cannot be named as selected key so we need to change it to parent_category