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How to filter data and execute command based on the output


I am using below shell script for getting certail data


adb shell dumpsys battery | awk '/Battery current/{print}'

I get below output in terminal

Battery current : -286

How to check if Battery current value is > -1000 then execute an command "Command1" else execute "Command 2"

Please help

CodePudding user response:

Just use awk to extract the field you want:

adb shell dumpsys battery | awk -F: '/Battery current/{print $2}'

If you want to put that value in a variable:

battery_current="$(adb shell dumpsys battery | awk -F: '/Battery current/{print $2}')"

And now you can use that in an if statement:

if [ "$battery_current" -gt -1000 ]; then
  ...do something...
  ...do something else...

CodePudding user response:

Using awk, you can use the system function which executes cmd and returns its exit status

$ adb shell dumpsys battery | awk '/Battery current/ {current=$NF}{if (current > -1000) system("command.."); else system("comand..")}'

CodePudding user response:

The generic template would be like this :

jot 5 | {m,g}awk '{ system( ( $_)%3 ? "date" : "gdate  \47%s.%6N\47") }'

Fri Jun 17 09:19:18 EDT 2022
Fri Jun 17 09:19:18 EDT 2022
Fri Jun 17 09:19:18 EDT 2022
Fri Jun 17 09:19:18 EDT 2022

Your specific case would be like :

adb shell dumpsys battery | 

{m,g}awk '!_<NF { system(-1E3< $NF ? _cmd1_ :_cmd_2_) }' FS='^ *Battery current[: ] '
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