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Count by group across multiple columns


My dataset looks like this:

Names       Sample   Init_QC  Run_QC
A             DN      PASS     PASS
A             DN      FAIL     PASS
A             RN      FAIL     FAIL
B             DN      PASS     FAIL
B             DN      PASS     PASS
B             RN      FAIL     PASS
C             DN      PASS     FAIL
C             DN      FAIL     FAIL
C             RN      PASS     PASS

I am looking to have things summarized by "Names" by counting number of occurrences of each category. Result would look like this:

Names   DN  RN   Init_QC$PASS  Init_QC$FAIL   Run_QC$PASS   Run_QC$FAIL
 A      2    1       1              2             2              1
 B      2    1       2              1             2              1
 C      2    1       1              2             1              2

I was hoping to use "table" or "count" from dplyr but without success

Would anyone have an easy way to do this ? Thanks very much

CodePudding user response:

Here is a tidyverse way.

x <- 'Names       Sample   Init_QC  Run_QC
A             DN      PASS     PASS
A             DN      FAIL     PASS
A             RN      FAIL     FAIL
B             DN      PASS     FAIL
B             DN      PASS     PASS
B             RN      FAIL     PASS
C             DN      PASS     FAIL
C             DN      FAIL     FAIL
C             RN      PASS     PASS'
df1 <- read.table(textConnection(x), header = TRUE)


df1 %>%
  count(Names, Sample) %>%
    names_from = Sample, 
    values_from = n
  ) %>%
    df1 %>%
      select(-Sample) %>%
        cols = ends_with("QC"),
        names_to = "QC",
        values_to = "value"
      ) %>%
      count(Names, QC, value) %>%
        names_from = c("QC", "value"),
        values_from = n
    by = "Names"
#> # A tibble: 3 × 7
#>   Names    DN    RN Init_QC_FAIL Init_QC_PASS Run_QC_FAIL Run_QC_PASS
#>   <chr> <int> <int>        <int>        <int>       <int>       <int>
#> 1 A         2     1            2            1           1           2
#> 2 B         2     1            1            2           1           2
#> 3 C         2     1            1            2           2           1

Created on 2022-06-20 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

CodePudding user response:

in base R:

 aggregate(.~Names, df, table)

  Names Sample.DN Sample.RN Init_QC.FAIL Init_QC.PASS Run_QC.FAIL Run_QC.PASS
1     A         2         1            2            1           1           2
2     B         2         1            1            2           1           2
3     C         2         1            1            2           2           1

To make everything into columns, do:

do.call(data.frame, aggregate(.~Names, df, table))

  Names Sample.DN Sample.RN Init_QC.FAIL Init_QC.PASS Run_QC.FAIL Run_QC.PASS
1     A         2         1            2            1           1           2
2     B         2         1            1            2           1           2
3     C         2         1            1            2           2           1

using reshape2:

reshape2::recast(df, Names~variable value, fun.agg = length, id.var = 'Names')

  Names Sample_DN Sample_RN Init_QC_FAIL Init_QC_PASS Run_QC_FAIL Run_QC_PASS
1     A         2         1            2            1           1           2
2     B         2         1            1            2           1           2
3     C         2         1            1            2           2           1

In tidyverse:

df %>%
   pivot_longer(-Names) %>%
   count(Names, name, value) %>%
   pivot_wider(Names, names_from = c(name, value), values_from = n)

# A tibble: 3 x 7
  Names Init_QC_FAIL Init_QC_PASS Run_QC_FAIL Run_QC_PASS Sample_DN Sample_RN
  <chr>        <int>        <int>       <int>       <int>     <int>     <int>
1 A                2            1           1           2         2         1
2 B                1            2           1           2         2         1
3 C                1            2           2           1         2         1

CodePudding user response:

This seems a bit more complex than it should be, but it does the job:


tibble(Names = unique(df$Names)) %>%
  bind_cols(table(df$Names, df$Sample), table(df$Names, df$Init_QC)) %>%
  rename(Init_FAIL = FAIL, Init_PASS = PASS) %>%
  bind_cols(table(df$Names, df$Run_QC)) %>%
  rename(Run_FAIL = FAIL, Run_PASS = PASS)
#> # A tibble: 3 x 7
#>   Names    DN    RN Init_FAIL Init_PASS Run_FAIL Run_PASS
#>   <chr> <int> <int>     <int>     <int>    <int>    <int>
#> 1 A         2     1         2         1        1        2
#> 2 B         2     1         1         2        1        2
#> 3 C         2     1         1         2        2        1

CodePudding user response:

In principle I would do it this way. I have tried to shorten the code but failed: The code should be self explained. First count and split the df by the desired columns and pivot_wider. Finally bring them all together:


df1 <- df %>% 
  count(Names, Sample) %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from=Sample, values_from=n, names_glue = ) 

df2 <- df %>% 
  count(Names, Init_QC) %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from= Init_QC, values_from = n, names_glue = "Init_QC${Init_QC}")

df3 <- df %>% 
  count(Names, Run_QC) %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from= Run_QC, values_from = n, names_glue = "Run_QC${Run_QC}")

df1 %>% 
  left_join(df2) %>% 
  Names    DN    RN `Init_QC$FAIL` `Init_QC$PASS` `Run_QC$FAIL` `Run_QC$PASS`
  <chr> <int> <int>          <int>          <int>         <int>         <int>
1 A         2     1              2              1             1             2
2 B         2     1              1              2             1             2
3 C         2     1              1              2             2             1

CodePudding user response:


# summary for each column
x <- names(df)
y <- rbindlist(lapply(setdiff(x, 'id'), \(i) df[, .(rows=.N), c('id', i)][, (i) := paste0(i, '_', get(i))])
               , F

# long to wide
dcast(y, paste('id', '~', x[2]))
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