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Handling unencodable characters in C#


Given an input string and an encoding, I want to process each character in the input string as follows:

  • If the codepoint can be encoded, then encode it;

  • If not, output (the encoding of) the string &#xUUUU; where UUUU is the hex value of the Unicode codepoint.

I've read through the .NET documentation for Encoder and EncoderFallback, and I can see how to get notified when an unencodable character is found, but I can't see any way to output something that actually depends on the particular character in question.

Any ideas?

Looking a bit deeper (thanks @JosefZ), I see that the description of the EncoderFallback class says it supports three mechanisms, including:

Best-fit fallback, which maps valid Unicode characters that cannot be encoded to an approximate equivalent. For example, a best-fit fallback handler for the ASCIIEncoding class might map Æ (U 00C6) to AE (U 0041 U 0045). A best-fit fallback handler might also be implemented to transliterate one alphabet (such as Cyrillic) to another (such as Latin or Roman). The .NET Framework does not provide any public best-fit fallback implementations.

which would appear to be the one I am after: so I have to work out how to write my own implementation of EncoderFallback?

CodePudding user response:

You can use the following EncoderFallback and EncoderFallbackBuffer to do what you want

public class HexFallback : EncoderFallback
    public override int MaxCharCount { get { return int.MaxValue; } }   // we can handle any amount of chars
    public override EncoderFallbackBuffer CreateFallbackBuffer(){ return new HexFallbackBuffer(); }

public class HexFallbackBuffer : EncoderFallbackBuffer
    int _currentPos;   // current position of invalid char encoding
    char _charToEncode;   // first or main char
    char _charToEncode2;  // lower pair of surrogate if any
    public override bool Fallback(char charUnknown, int index)
        _charToEncode = charUnknown;   // store char
        return true;
    public override bool Fallback(char charUnknownHigh, char charUnknownLow, int index)
        _charToEncode = charUnknownHigh;   // store high and low surrogates
        _charToEncode2 = charUnknownLow;
        return true;        
    public override int Remaining { get { return 8 - _currentPos   (_charToEncode2 != (char)0 ? 8 : 0); } }   // 8 chars per invalid char
    public override void Reset()
        _charToEncode = (char)0;
        _charToEncode2 = (char)0;
        _currentPos = 0;
    public override bool MovePrevious()   // can we move backwards in our encoding
        if(_currentPos == 0)
            return false;
        _currentPos -= 1;
        return true;
    public override char GetNextChar()
        if(_charToEncode2 != (char)0 && _currentPos == 8)   // if we have a surrogate
            _charToEncode = _charToEncode2;   // move low surrogate to main
            _charToEncode2 = (char)0;
            _currentPos = 0;   // and start again

        _currentPos  ;
        case 1:
            return '&';
        case 2:
            return '#';
        case 3:
            return 'x';
        case 4:
            return NibbleToHex(((int)_charToEncode) >> 12);   // shift 12 bits
        case 5:
            return NibbleToHex(((int)_charToEncode) >> 8 & 0x0F);  // shift 8 and mask the rest
        case 6:
            return NibbleToHex(((int)_charToEncode) >> 4 & 0x0F);  // shift 4 and mask the rest
        case 7:
            return NibbleToHex(((int)_charToEncode) & 0x0F); //  mask all high bits
        case 8:
            return ';';
            _currentPos = 0;
            _charToEncode = (char)0;
            return (char)0;
    char NibbleToHex(int nibble)    // convert 4 bits to hex char
        return (char)(
            nibble < 10
            ? nibble   (int)'0'  // Return a character from '0' to '9'
            : nibble   (int)'7'  // Return A to F


You use it like this

var encoder = Encoding.ASCII.GetEncoder();
encoder.Fallback = new HexFallback();

var str = "Æ";
var buffer = new byte[1000];

var length = encoder.GetBytes(str.ToCharArray(), 0, str.Length, buffer, 0, true);

// write out encoded string
Console.WriteLine(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer, 0, length));

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