I want to execute the following script with complex arguments. For example with [securestring].
$text = "'This is a test message.'"
$ArgumentList = @( $text, $PID ) -join ", "
$cmd = { param([string]$msg, [int]$proc ); Write-Host "$msg FROM PID: $proc" }
$Command = "Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {$cmd} -ArgumentList $ArgumentList"
Start-Process -Filepath powershell -ArgumentList "-noexit -command ( $Command )"
this script worked fine.
i`m transform this script into the new one
$text = "'This is a test message.'"
$Cred = get-credential
$ArgumentList = @( $text, $PID, $credential ) -join ", "
$cmd = { param([string]$msg, [int]$proc, $Credential ); Write-Host "$msg FROM PID: $proc, cred: $( $Credential.username )" }
$Command = "Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {$cmd} -ArgumentList $ArgumentList"
Start-Process -Filepath powershell -ArgumentList "-noexit -command ( $Command )"
I have an error. How to pass arguments right?
CodePudding user response:
As suggested by @Mathias, I would consider to run the whole process under the specific credentials
Start-Process -Credential $cred -Filepath powershell -ArgumentList "-noexit -command ( $Command )"
Anyways, you might also serialize (all) your arguments and convert it to Base64 as you passing it trough multiple interpreters:
$text = "This is a test message."
$Cred = get-credential
$Arguments = @{
Msg = $Text
Proc = $PID
Cred = $Cred
$Serialized = [System.Management.Automation.PSSerializer]::Serialize($Arguments)
$Bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($Serialized)
$Base64 =[Convert]::ToBase64String($Bytes)
$cmd = {
$Serialized = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($Base64))
$Arguments = [System.Management.Automation.PSSerializer]::Deserialize($Serialized)
Write-Host " $($Arguments.msg) FROM PID: $($Arguments.proc), cred: $( $Arguments.Cred.Username)"
$Command = "Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {$cmd} -ArgumentList $Base64"
Start-Process -Filepath powershell -ArgumentList "-noexit -command ( $Command )"
Note: that Get-Credential
by default uses the Windows data protection API, and the key used to encrypt the password is specific to both the user and the machine that the code is running under.