I am trying to get the co-ordinates and distance but getting inconsistencies from Bing Maps API. Is there something I'm doing wrong or do the responses really vary that much?
Issue: The co-ordinates that I get in the JSON response are different for the same starting address.
My input is an excel file with the starting and delivery addresses like so
df = df[['Starting Address', 'Delivery Address', 'Driving Distance (Miles)', 'Radial Distance (Miles)']]
df = df.reset_index()
for index, row in df.iterrows():
#Encoding Addresses
enc_start = urllib.parse.quote(df['Starting Address'][index], safe='')
enc_del = urllib.parse.quote(df['Delivery Address'][index], safe='')
#API Call
url = "http://dev.virtualearth.net/REST/V1/Routes/Driving?wp.0=" enc_start "&wp.1=" enc_del "&distanceUnit=mi" "&optmz=distance" "&key=" bingMapsKey
response = requests.get(url).json() #Setting API response (JSON)
s_lat = response["resourceSets"][0]["resources"][0]["bbox"][2] #Fetching Starting Address Latitude
s_lon = response["resourceSets"][0]["resources"][0]["bbox"][3] #Fetching Starting Address Longitude
d_lat = response["resourceSets"][0]["resources"][0]["bbox"][0] #Fetching Delivery Address Latitude
d_lon = response["resourceSets"][0]["resources"][0]["bbox"][1] #Fetching Delivery Address Longitude
coords_start = (s_lat, s_lon) #Coords of Starting Address
coords_del = (d_lat, d_lon) #Coords of Delivery Address
print("c_str ", coords_start)
print("c_del ", coords_del)
#Optimized Travel Distance
travelDistance = response["resourceSets"][0]["resources"][0]["travelDistance"]
print("travel dist ", travelDistance)
df.loc[[index], 'Driving Distance (Miles)'] = travelDistance
# folium.Marker(location=[d_lat, d_lon], popup = df["Delivery Address"][index]).add_to(mc) #Creating Output Map
#Radial Distance
radialDistance = haversine(coords_start, coords_del, unit=Unit.MILES)
# # print(radialDistance)
df.loc[[index], 'Radial Distance (Miles)'] = radialDistance
CodePudding user response:
You are grabbing the bounding box coordinates rather than at actual starting location. The bounding box is just a recommendation for viewing the full route and would change if both the start and end are not identical between queries.
To get the actual start/end points;
s_lat = response["resourceSets"][0]["resources"][0]["routeLegs"][0]["actualStart"]["coordinates"][0]
s_lon = response["resourceSets"][0]["resources"][0]["routeLegs"][0]["actualStart"]["coordinates"][1]
d_lat = response["resourceSets"][0]["resources"][0]["routeLegs"][0]["actualEnd"]["coordinates"][0]
d_lon = response["resourceSets"][0]["resources"][0]["routeLegs"][0]["actualEnd"]["coordinates"][1]