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Tukey annotations on facet ggplot


I am trying to get annotations from a Tukey's test on to a facet'ed ggplot. I've tried multiple other answers (Plot

I can get the confidence interval plots one gene at a time using:

test_stats_Tukey <- Raw_data %>%
  nest_by(Gene) %>%
  mutate(Model = list(glm(FC ~ Treatment * Age, data = data)))

par(mar=c(5,13,4,1) .1)
plot(TukeyHSD(x= aov(test_stats_Tukey[[3]][[1]]), conf.level=0.95) , las=1 , col="brown")

Which gives:

CI plot

But I'd like to extract and plot annotations in facets automatically.

Any help would be great. Thank you!

CodePudding user response:

It's not pretty, but it gets the job done!

Final_ann <- data.frame()
for (ann_facet in as.character(unique(Raw_data$Gene))) {
  temp_ann_data <- Raw_data[which(Raw_data$Gene == ann_facet),]
  temp_ann_model <- glm(FC ~ Treatment * Age, 
               data = temp_ann_data)
  temp_ann_pairs <- emmeans(temp_ann_model, 
                                 pairwise ~ Treatment*Age, 
                                 adjust = "tukey")
  temp_ann_model_cld <- cld(temp_ann_pairs$emmeans, 
                                 alpha = .05,
                                 Letters = letters)
  temp_ann_letters <- arrange(temp_ann_model_cld, Age, Treatment)
  colnames(temp_ann_letters)[8] <- "Annotation"
  temp_ann_letters$Annotation <- gsub("[[:space:]]", "",as.character(temp_ann_letters$Annotation))
  temp_ann_letters$Gene <- ann_facet
  temp_ann_letters$FC <-1.25*max(temp_ann_data$FC)
  Final_ann <- rbind(Final_ann, temp_ann_letters[,c(1,2,8,9,10)])

  geom_text(data = Final_ann,  
            aes(x = Age, y = log2(FC), group = Treatment, label=Annotation), 
            size=3, position = position_dodge(width = 0.75))  
  facet_wrap(Gene ~ ., ncol = 4, scales = "free")


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