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Trying to make a "Live event" in unity C#


there I am trying to make a sort of "Live event" in unity example being of course Fortnite live events.

In other scripting languages, I could just check to see if the "UNIX" time thing is a certain time and from there can create a sort of timer leading up to the time. I was wondering the best way to go about making a function or something execute when the time and date are on a chosen time/date. And how to make a sort of timer with this. Any help is appreciated!

CodePudding user response:

Unity has a lot of timing functions.

There are several ways to implement:

  1. Manual timing:

    float persistTime = 10f
    float startTime = Time.time;
    if(Time.time - startTime > persistTime)
       Debug.Log("Time out");
    float curTime = 0;
    curTime  = Time.deltaTime;
    if(curTime > persistTime)
         Debug.Log("Time out");
  2. Coroutines:

    private float persistTime = 10f;
    IEnumerator DelayFunc()
      yield return persistTime;
       Debug.Log("Time out");
    private void Start()
  3. Invoke callback:

    private void Start()
       Invoke("DelayFunc", persistTime);

Timer: timer pause, timer reset, timer start method, timer method, timer end method, fixed interval call method. The timer can be set to be multiplexed or single.

Timer Manager (TimerMa): Its function is responsible for counting down and executing timer methods.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Object = System.Object;

 public class Timer
public delegate void IntervalAct(Object args);
//Total time and current duration
private float curtime = 0;
private float totalTime = 0;

public bool isActive;
//Whether the timer is destroyed
public bool isDestroy;
//whether to pause
public bool isPause;

//Interval events and interval events - Dot
private float intervalTime = 0;
private float curInterval = 0;
private IntervalAct onInterval;
private Object args;

// enter event
public Action onEnter;
private bool isOnEnter = false;
// persistent event
public Action onStay;
// exit event
public Action onEnd;

public Timer(float totalTime, bool isDestroy = true, bool isPause = false)
    curtime = 0;
    this.totalTime = totalTime;
    isActive = true;
    this.isDestroy = isDestroy;
    this.isPause = isPause;

public void Run()
    //pause timing
    if (isPause || !isActive)

    if (onEnter != null)
        if (!isOnEnter)
            isOnEnter = true;

    // persistent event
    if (onStay != null)
    curtime  = Time.deltaTime;

    //interval event
    if (onInterval != null)
        curInterval  = Time.deltaTime;
        if (curInterval > intervalTime)
            curInterval = 0;

    // timer ends
    if (curtime > totalTime)
        curtime = 0;
        isActive = false;
        if (onEnd != null)

// set interval event
public void SetInterval(float interval, IntervalAct intervalFunc, Object args = null)
    this.intervalTime = interval;
    onInterval = intervalFunc;
    curInterval = 0;
    this.args = args;

// reset the timer
public void Reset()
    curtime = 0;
    isActive = true;
    isPause = false;
    curInterval = 0;
    isOnEnter = false;

//get the remaining time
public float GetRemainTime()
    return totalTime - curtime;

Timing Manager Code:

 using System;
 using System.Collections;
 using System.Collections.Generic;
 using UnityEngine;

 public class TimerMa : MonoBehaviour
 #region singleton

 private static TimerMa instance;
 TimerMa() {}

 public static TimerMa I
         if (instance == null)
             instance = new TimerMa();
         return instance;

 private List<Timer> timerList;

 private void Awake()
     instance = this;
     timerList = new List<Timer>();

 public void AddTimer(Timer t)

 void Update()
     for (int i = 0; i < timerList.Count;)
         //The timer is over and needs to be destroyed
         if(!timerList[i].isActive && timerList[i].isDestroy)

Test timer:

  using System.Collections;
  using System.Collections.Generic;
  using UnityEngine;
  using UnityEngine.UI;
  using Object = System.Object;

  public class Test : MonoBehaviour
    public Text mText1;
    public Text mText2;
    private Timer timer;
    private int count = 0;

void Start()
    timer = new Timer(5f,false);
    timer.SetInterval(1f, OnInterval);
    timer.onEnter = OnStart;
    timer.onEnd = OnExit;

void Update()
    mText1.text = timer.GetRemainTime().ToString("f2");

    if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.A))
        if (!timer.isPause)
            timer.isPause = true;
            mText2.text = "Pause timer";
    if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S))
        if (timer.isPause)
            timer.isPause = false;
            mText2.text = "Cancel Pause Timer";

    if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.D))
        mText2.text = "Reset timer";

private void OnStart()
    mText2.text = "Start timing";

private void OnExit()
    mText2.text = "End timer";

 private void OnInterval(Object value)
    count  ;
    mText2.text = $"Interval event call {count}";
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