Home > Software design >  C# powerups how to continue spawning when to 10 when 1 powerups is collected
C# powerups how to continue spawning when to 10 when 1 powerups is collected


Now it will only spawn to 10 powerups. when 1 is collected, it doesn't spawn to 10 powerups

[SerializeField] public GameObject[] spawnPowerups; 
public int amountOfPowerUpsToSpawn = 10;
[SerializeField] public float PowerupsWaitTime = 1f;

IEnumerator SpawnPowerUpsCoroutine()
        for (int i = amountOfPowerUpsToSpawn; i > 0; i--)
            int spawnPointX = Random.Range(-18, -3);
            int spawnPointY = Random.Range(5, 0);
            Vector3 spawnPosition = new Vector3(spawnPointX, spawnPointY, 0);
            Instantiate(spawnPowerups[Random.Range(0, spawnPowerups.Length)], spawnPosition, Quaternion.identity);
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(PowerupsWaitTime);

void Start()

CodePudding user response:

I think maybe this is what you want to achieve. I made some changes and replaced the for with a while loop. Also added something to test the powerup collection to trigger the spawner on pickup. Tis code below.


[SerializeField] public GameObject[] spawnPowerups;
public int amountOfPowerUpsToSpawn = 10;
public int PowerupsWaitTime = 1;
private int currentPowerUps = 0;

private Coroutine _coroutine;

public void PickedUpPowerUp()
    //Check if Coroutine is null
    if(_coroutine is null)
        _coroutine = StartCoroutine(SpawnPowerUpsCoroutine());


IEnumerator SpawnPowerUpsCoroutine()
    while (currentPowerUps < amountOfPowerUpsToSpawn)
        int spawnPointX = Random.Range(-5, 5);
        int spawnPointY = Random.Range(5, 0);
        Vector3 spawnPosition = new Vector3(spawnPointX, spawnPointY, 0);
        GameObject clone = Instantiate(spawnPowerups[Random.Range(0, spawnPowerups.Length)], spawnPosition, Quaternion.identity);

        //Set parent to get the spawner
        clone.transform.SetParent(transform, false);

        //Increment powerups counter
        currentPowerUps  ;

        yield return new WaitForSeconds(PowerupsWaitTime);
    //Set coroutine to null
    _coroutine = null;


void Start()
    _coroutine = StartCoroutine(SpawnPowerUpsCoroutine());


private PowerUpSpawner powerUpSpawner;

private void Start()
  powerUpSpawner = GetComponentInParent<PowerUpSpawner>();

private void onm ouseDown()

CodePudding user response:

Add this to the script you sent.

IEnumerator SpawnPowerup()
    yield return new WaitForSeconds(PowerupsWaitTime);
    int spawnPointX = Random.Range(-18, -3);
    int spawnPointY = Random.Range(5, 0);
    Vector3 spawnPosition = new Vector3(spawnPointX, spawnPointY, 0);
    Instantiate(spawnPowerups[Random.Range(0, spawnPowerups.Length)], spawnPosition, Quaternion.identity);        

and call this from your Collecting Powerup script

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