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Unit Testing a Controller method returns null


I'm trying to learn Unit testing in .NET 6 by testing a controller function GetProduct. The problem is I get null returned in the variable var product = await _productController.GetProduct(productId);. As you can see in the picture below, the Result is ok but the Value, where the ServiceResponse<Product> was suppose to be is null.

enter image description here

Here is the controller function:

public class ProductController : ControllerBase
    private readonly IProductService _productService;

    public ProductController(IProductService productService)
        _productService = productService;

    public async Task<ActionResult<ServiceResponse<Product>>> GetProduct(int productId)
        var result = await _productService.GetProductAsync(productId);
        return Ok(result);

Here is the Test:

public class ProductControllerTest
    private readonly ProductController _productController;
    private readonly Mock<IProductService> _productService = new Mock<IProductService>();

    public ProductControllerTest()
        _productController = new ProductController(_productService.Object);

    public async Task GetProducts_ReturnsProduct_IfProductExists()
        var productId = 1;
        var prodData = new Product
            Id = productId,
            Title = "null"            
        var prductResponse = new ServiceResponse<Product>
            Data = prodData,
            Success = true ,
            Message = ""

        _productService.Setup(x => x.GetProductAsync(productId)).ReturnsAsync(prductResponse);

        var product = await _productController.GetProduct(productId);

        Assert.That(product?.Value?.Data?.Id, Is.EqualTo(productId));


CodePudding user response:

Since you are returning with an Ok call in your controller you can add a cast to the unit test.

   var result = (await _productController.GetProduct(productId)).Result as OkObjectResult;
   var returnedServiceResponse = result.Value as ServiceResponse<Product>;
   Assert.That(returnedServiceResponse ?.Data?.Id, Is.EqualTo(productId));

Also you don't have to use Actionresult. You can also just return your service response

    public async Task<ServiceResponse<Product>> GetProduct(int productId)
        var result = await _productService.GetProductAsync(productId);
        return result;

This will also make the test a bit easier as no need to use the OkObjectResult.

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