i AM TRYING TO CREATE AN ADITIONAL COLUMN WITH A QUARTER VALUE FROM A DATE(case_opening_date FORMATTED AS 2022-09-26 which is a string and needs to be converted into a date), THE FORMAT for the new column SHOULD BE 1(2022) indicating the quarter from that date and in parenthesis the year from that quarter, TRIED THE CODE BELLOW BUT I RECEIVE AN ERROR: SQL_ANALYSIS_ERROR: No matching signature for function EXTRACT for argument types: DATE_TIME_PART FROM STRING. Supported signatures: EXTRACT(DATE_TIME_PART FROM DATE); EXTRACT(DATE_TIME_PART FROM TIMESTAMP [AT TIME ZONE STRING]); EXTRACT(DATE_TIME_PART FROM DATETIME); EXTRACT(DATE_TIME_PART FROM TIME)
_0 AS (
EXTRACT(QUARTER FROM case_opening_date) as Quarter
How can i convert case_opening_date into a date and get a new column with the quarter?
Thanks a lot in advance
CodePudding user response:
Use below
select case_opening_date,
format_date('%Q(%Y)', date(case_opening_date)) as Quarter
from your_table
with output