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Extract only numbers with 8 digits and does not followed by contain characters (. , @)


I am using a function to extract numbers from string with conditions that number with 8 digits and does not contain characters (. , @).
It works with 8 digits , but if the number is followed by characters (. , @) ,it also extract that number and that not required.
This my string 11111111 12345678.1 11111112 11111113 and the expected output is 11111111 11111112 11111113 without 12345678.1.
I tried to use negative Lookahead \d{8}(?!.,@) but it is useless.
Thanks all for your help.

Function Find8Numbers(st As String) As Variant
    Dim regex As New RegExp
     Dim matches As MatchCollection, mch As match
     regex.Pattern = "\d{8}"      'Look for variable length numbers only
     regex.IgnoreCase = True
     regex.Global = True
     regex.MultiLine = True
    If (regex.Test(st) = True) Then
      Set matches = regex.Execute(st)   'Execute search
        For Each mch In matches
              Find8Numbers = LTrim(Find8Numbers) & " " & mch.value
    End If
End Function

CodePudding user response:

In line with your question and current attempt, you could indeed use regex:

Function Find8Numbers(st As String) As String

With CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
    .Pattern = "(?:^|\s)(\d{8})(?![.,@\d])"
    .Global = True
    If .Test(st) Then
        Set Matches = .Execute(st)
        For Each mch In Matches
            Find8Numbers = LTrim(Find8Numbers & " " & mch.submatches(0))
    End If
End With

End Function

Invoke through:

Sub Test()

Dim s As String: s = "11111111  12345678.1 11111112 11111113"
Debug.Print Find8Numbers(s)

End Sub


11111111 11111112 11111113

Pattern used:


See an online demo

  • (?:^|\s) - No lookbehind in VBA thus used a non-capture group to match start-line anchor or whitespace;
  • (\d{8}) - Exactly 8 digits in capture group;
  • (?![.,@\d]) - Negative lookahead to assert position isn't followed by a any of given characters or digit.

CodePudding user response:

I'm not sure you need Regex for what is a reasonably simple pattern. You could just go with a VBA solution:

Public Function Find8Numbers(str As String) As String
    Dim c As String, c1 As String
    Dim i As Long, numStart As Long
    Dim isNumSeq As Boolean
    Dim result As String
    If Len(str) < 8 Then Exit Function
    For i = 1 To Len(str)
        c = Mid(str, i, 1)
        If i = Len(str) Then
            c1 = ""
            c1 = Mid(str, i   1, 1)
        End If
        If c >= "0" And c <= "9" Then
            If isNumSeq Then
                If i - numStart   1 = 8 Then
                    If c1 <> "." And c1 <> "," And c1 <> "@" Then
                        If result <> "" Then result = result & " "
                        result = result & Mid(str, numStart, 8)
                        isNumSeq = False
                    End If
                End If
                If i > Len(str) - 8   1 Then Exit For
                isNumSeq = True
                numStart = i
            End If
            isNumSeq = False
        End If
    Find8Numbers = result
End Function
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