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cant uninstall deprecated nugets by firesharp on windows forms


I want use firesharp for my firebase project but its installing some nugets and 2 nuget package is deprecated and i cant uninstall it, its giving me error.

Error Unable to uninstall 'Microsoft.Bcl.1.1.10' because 'Microsoft.Bcl.Async.1.0.168, Microsoft.Net.Http.2.2.29' depend on it.

Error Unable to uninstall 'Microsoft.Bcl.Async.1.0.168' because 'FireSharp.2.0.4' depends on it.

and I don't want to uninstall firesharp, which I'm using.

image enter image description here

i can run debuger but i cant publish or realse my project.

image enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

I fixed this problem, just used Firebase.Database nuget and codes on here:


public class FirebaseHelper
        const string auth = "~Firebase Secret~";
        public static FirebaseClient firebase = new FirebaseClient("https://~Your Firebase Url~.firebaseio.com/",
            new FirebaseOptions
                AuthTokenAsyncFactory = () => Task.FromResult(auth)
        public static string mainChild = "mainChild";
        public FirebaseHelper()

        public async Task<Veriler> GetData(string name)
                var AllData = await firebase

                var list = AllData.Select(item => new Veriler
                    Name = item.Object.Name,
                    testData = item.Object.testData

                return new Veriler
                    Name = list[0].Name,
                    testData = list[0].testData
                return null;

        public async void UpdateData(string name, string test)
                await firebase
                    .PutAsync(new Veriler() { Name = name, testData = test });
            catch (Exception) { }
        public async Task AddData(string name)
            await firebase
                .PutAsync(new Veriler() { Name = name, testData = "0" });
        public async Task DeleteData(string name)
                await firebase
            catch { }


    public class Veriler //Firebase Data
        public string testData { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
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