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Reading data from a *.txt file


I'm trying to use the data from a .txt file to get the sum of all the values. I used the function fgets to get all the values. How can I sum all the values?? I tried to make an array for every line in order to sum but I couldnt get it. Hier is my code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// La máxima cantidad de líneas que puede tener
#define TOTAL_LINES 52
#define FILE_NAME "test.txt"

int main()
    char all_lines[TOTAL_LINES][MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
    char buferFile[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
    FILE *document = fopen(FILE_NAME, "r");

    if (document == NULL)
        printf("File cannot be open");
        return 0;
    int index = 0;
    while (fgets(buferFile, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, document))
        strtok(buferFile, "\n");
        memcpy(all_lines[index], buferFile, MAX_STRING_LENGTH);
        index  ;
    char line1[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
    char *token;
    int j = 0;
    token = strtok(line1, "  ");
    char *array[256];

    while( token != NULL ) {
    array[j  ] = token;
    token = strtok(NULL, "  ");

    for (j = 0; j < 256; j  ) 
        printf("\n%s", array[j]);
    return 0;

enter image description here

Hope you can help me.

CodePudding user response:

You're loading strings into a 2D array, then storing pointers (array[]) to a copy of only the 2nd line you've loaded (all_lines[1]). It's not easy to see what your objective is, but I offer this for educational purposes...

void main( void ) {
    char buf[ 256 ];

    char *fName = "test.txt";
    FILE *fp = fopen( fName, "r" );
    if( fp == NULL ) {
        printf( "Cannot open '%s'\n", fName );

    int accum = 0;
    while( fgets( buf, sizeof(buf), fp ) ) {
        for( char *tok = buf; ( tok = strtok( tok, " ") ) != NULL; tok = NULL )
            accum  = atoi( tok );

    fclose( fp );


In response to a question from the OP, here's an alternative, expanded version of that one line for() loop tokenising each row read-in:

char *tok = buf;
while( ( tok = strtok( tok, " ") ) != NULL ) {
    accum  = atoi( tok );
    tok = NULL;

The 1st time strtok() is called, 'tok' is pointing at 'buf'. For each subsequent call, the value of 'tok' is NULL...

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