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Convert key columns to a JSON structure


Let's say I have this df:

from pyspark.sql import functions as F
from pyspark.sql.types import *

data2 = [("James","","Smith","36636","M",3000),

schema = StructType([ \
    StructField("firstname",StringType(),True), \
    StructField("middlename",StringType(),True), \
    StructField("lastname",StringType(),True), \
    StructField("id", StringType(), True), \
    StructField("gender", StringType(), True), \
    StructField("salary", IntegerType(), True) \
df1 = spark.createDataFrame(data=data2,schema=schema)

 --------- ---------- -------- ----- ------ ------ 
|firstname|middlename|lastname|id   |gender|salary|
 --------- ---------- -------- ----- ------ ------ 
|James    |          |Smith   |36636|M     |3000  |
|Robert   |          |Williams|42114|M     |4000  |
|Maria    |Anne      |Jones   |39192|F     |4000  |
 --------- ---------- -------- ----- ------ ------ 

Then I have this df which is a metadata table with key fields in df1:

df2 = spark.createDataFrame(
    (["firstname", "lastname"],["001", "002"])    ],
    ["col_lst", "id_lst"]


 --------------------- ---------- 
|col_lst              |id_lst    |
 --------------------- ---------- 
|[firstname, lastname]|[001, 002]|
 --------------------- ---------- 

I want to add a column to df1 one taking a combination of (id, value) from df2 in a JSON structure. Desired output:

 --------- ---------- -------- ----- ------ ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
|firstname|middlename|lastname|id   |gender|salary|JSON                                                                            |
 --------- ---------- -------- ----- ------ ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
|James    |          |Smith   |36636|M     |3000  |{"business_key":[{"id":"001","value":"James"},{"id":"002","value":"Smith"}]}    |
|Robert   |          |Williams|42114|M     |4000  |{"business_key":[{"id":"001","value":"Robert"},{"id":"002","value":"Williams"}]}|
|Maria    |Anne      |Jones   |39192|F     |4000  |{"business_key":[{"id":"001","value":"Maria"},{"id":"002","value":"Jones"}]}    |
 --------- ---------- -------- ----- ------ ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

CodePudding user response:

You can create an array of structs from df1.columns then filter it using names from df2.col_lst and zip the result with id_lst. If you have few rows in df2 it would simpler to collect them into variables and use it as literal expressions without having to cross join:

df3 = df1.crossJoin(df2).withColumn(
    F.array(*[F.struct(F.lit(c).alias("k"), F.col(c).alias("v")) for c in df1.columns])
                F.filter("info", lambda x: F.array_contains("col_lst", x["k"])).k.alias("value"),
).select(df1["*"], "JSON")


# --------- ---------- -------- ----- ------ ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
# |firstname|middlename|lastname|id   |gender|salary|JSON                                                                               |
#  --------- ---------- -------- ----- ------ ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
# |James    |          |Smith   |36636|M     |3000  |{"business_key":[{"value":"firstname","id":"001"},{"value":"lastname","id":"002"}]}|
# |Robert   |          |Williams|42114|M     |4000  |{"business_key":[{"value":"firstname","id":"001"},{"value":"lastname","id":"002"}]}|
# |Maria    |Anne      |Jones   |39192|F     |4000  |{"business_key":[{"value":"firstname","id":"001"},{"value":"lastname","id":"002"}]}|
#  --------- ---------- -------- ----- ------ ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
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