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How to split a string into triplets


I have a string that looks like this (the text is actually much longer):


I need to transform it into X lists, each containing 3 numbers. Example:

List1 <- c(296, 294, 255)

List2 <- c(268, 313, 278)


I tried to split by delimiter with strsplit(split = "\.") but that gives me 1) break lines that I cannot eliminate and 2) I don't seem to be able to convert the values into numbers.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!

CodePudding user response:

Try asplit scan (given string s)

> asplit(matrix(na.omit(scan(text = s, sep = ".")), 3), 2)
Read 145 items
[1] 296 294 255

[1] 268 313 278

[1] 311 270 290

[1] 305 322 252

[1] 276 286 301

[1] 305 264 301

[1] 251 269 274

[1] 311 304 230

[1] 280 264 327

[1] 301 301 265

[1] 287 285 306

[1] 265 282 319

[1] 235 262 278

[1] 249 239 284

[1] 237 249 289

[1] 250 282 240

[1] 256 287 303

[1] 310 314 242

[1] 302 289 268

[1] 315 264 293

[1] 261 298 310

[1] 242 253 299

[1] 278 272 333

[1] 272 295 306

[1] 276 317 286

[1] 250 272 272

[1] 274 282 308

[1] 262 285 326

[1] 321 285 270

[1] 270 241 283

[1] 305 319 246

[1] 263 311 299

[1] 295 315 263

[1] 304 279 286

[1] 286 299 282

[1] 285 289 298

[1] 277 292 296

[1] 282 267 245

[1] 304 322 252

[1] 265 313 288

[1] 310 281 272

[1] 266 243 285

[1] 309 295 269

[1] 295 308 275

[1] 316 267 283

[1] 311 300 252

CodePudding user response:

asplit(m,1) makes a list for matrix rows:

asplit(matrix(as.integer(strsplit(x,"[.\n ] ")[[1]][-1]),,3,T),1)

CodePudding user response:

With a tidyverse approach:


tibble(s = s %>% trimws(whitespace = "\\.")) %>% 
  separate_rows(s, sep ="\\.", convert = T) %>% 
  group_split((row_number()   2) %/% 3, .keep = F) %>% 
  map(~ pull(.x, s))

#> [[1]]
#> [1] 296 294 255
#> [[2]]
#> [1] 268 313 278
#> [[3]]
#> [1] 311 270 290
#> [[4]]
#> [1] 305 322 252
#> [[5]]
#> [1] 276 286 301
#> [[6]]
#> [1] 305 264 301
#> [[7]]
#> [1] 251 269 274
#> [[8]]
#> [1] 311 304 230
#> [[9]]
#> [1] 280 264 327
#> [[10]]
#> [1] 301 301 265
#> [[11]]
#> [1] 287 285 306
#> [[12]]
#> [1] 265 282 319
#> [[13]]
#> [1] 235 262 278
#> [[14]]
#> [1] 249 239 284
#> [[15]]
#> [1] 237 249 289
#> [[16]]
#> [1] 250 282 240
#> [[17]]
#> [1] 256 287 303
#> [[18]]
#> [1] 310 314 242
#> [[19]]
#> [1] 302 289 268
#> [[20]]
#> [1] 315 264 293
#> [[21]]
#> [1] 261 298 310
#> [[22]]
#> [1] 242 253 299
#> [[23]]
#> [1] 278 272 333
#> [[24]]
#> [1] 272 295 306
#> [[25]]
#> [1] 276 317 286
#> [[26]]
#> [1] 250 272 272
#> [[27]]
#> [1] 274 282 308
#> [[28]]
#> [1] 262 285 326
#> [[29]]
#> [1] 321 285 270
#> [[30]]
#> [1] 270 241 283
#> [[31]]
#> [1] 305 319 246
#> [[32]]
#> [1] 263 311 299
#> [[33]]
#> [1] 295 315 263
#> [[34]]
#> [1] 304 279 286
#> [[35]]
#> [1] 286 299 282
#> [[36]]
#> [1] 285 289 298
#> [[37]]
#> [1] 277 292 296
#> [[38]]
#> [1] 282 267 245
#> [[39]]
#> [1] 304 322 252
#> [[40]]
#> [1] 265 313 288
#> [[41]]
#> [1] 310 281 272
#> [[42]]
#> [1] 266 243 285
#> [[43]]
#> [1] 309 295 269
#> [[44]]
#> [1] 295 308 275
#> [[45]]
#> [1] 316 267 283
#> [[46]]
#> [1] 311 300 252

CodePudding user response:

Here is one approach, but perhaps not the most elegant:

  1. get a vector of numbers;
nums = as.numeric(strsplit(gsub("\\n  ","", k), "\\.")[[1]])
nums <- nums[!is.na(nums)]
  1. use split to make X lists
split(nums, rep(1:(length(nums)/3),each=3))

CodePudding user response:

Slight change in strsplit argument

split_nb=strsplit(x=nb,split = "[.]")[[1]]
split_nb=split_nb[-1]#remove the first which is empty

# Put vector elements 3 by 3 into objects named list1, list2, etc
for (i in 1:trunc(length(split_nb)/3)){
  assign(x=paste0("list",i), value= c(split_nb[i*3-3 1], split_nb[i*3-3 2], split_nb[i*3-3 3]))

# Check it worked
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