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ggplot geom_line: Change order of plotting



GGplot seems to plot lineplots in an alphabetical order when aes(group = ID) is set. The line for each ID is plotted according to its (alphabetical) order. In my case this results in a quite busy plot. I'd like to have the lines of a specific group in the background. More specifically I want those lines in the background which have the most values in their group, so that they are not overlapping the lines from groups with only a few values.


How can I reorder the data in that way that the group with the most values is plotted first?


First some code to generate data to work with (not pretty but the result is good):


numOfValues <- c(20, 6, 3, 2)
System <- c(letters[1:4])
times <- c(1,2,3)
slope <- sample(1:4, size = 4)

df <- data.frame()
row <- 1
for (sys in 1:length(System)) {
  for (num in 1:numOfValues[sys]) {
    for (t in 1:length(times)) {
      # this seems stupid, but to be consistent with my data I need unique but
      # ordered ID's
      df[row, 'ID'] <- paste('P', 
                             num   if (System[sys] == 'a') {0} 
                             else if (System[sys] == 'b') {20} 
                             else if (System[sys] == 'c') {26}
                             else if (System[sys] == 'd') {28} , 
      df[row, 'System'] <- System[sys]
      df[row, 'Time'] <- paste('T', times[t], sep = '')
      df[row, 'Value'] <- runif(1, 1, 10)   times[t]   slope[sys]
      row <- row   1

This is my plotting code with ggplot

p <- ggplot(data = df,
            aes(x = Time,
            y = Value, 
            group = ID,
            colour = System,
            label = ID))  
  geom_line(size = 1.5)  
  geom_point(size = 3,
             aes(shape = System))  


This is resulting in this graph:

unordered plot

You can see that some red lines from group a a on top and some are more in the background behind purple/green lines. It seems like that the lines get plotted in the order of the group aesthetic from ggplot, in this case by ID. This is mentioned here:

Ordered Plot

Now the lines in the largest group a are plotted first

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