I want to create a shapefile from wkt by using NetTopologySuite.IO.Esri, but get this error like this:
Unhandled exception. System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'NetTopologySuite.Geometries.Polygon' to type 'NetTopologySuite.Geo
at NetTopologySuite.IO.Esri.Shapefiles.Writers.ShapefileWriter`1.Write(IFeature feature)
at NetTopologySuite.IO.Esri.Shapefiles.Writers.ShapefileWriter.Write(IEnumerable`1 features)
at NetTopologySuite.IO.Esri.Shapefile.WriteAllFeatures(IEnumerable`1 features, String shpPath, Encoding encoding, String projection)
I try to open the debug mode and tracking code, I found that in Shapefile.cs
line 185, there are trying to get the parameter's geometry type like this:
var shapeType = features.FindNonEmptyGeometry().GetShapeType();
And in my situation, it always return PolygonZM