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Sorting retrieved data from realtime database in row and columns and implement search view so every


the output I am getting

this my Excel class

public class Excel {
        public int Age;
        public String Country;
        public String Date;
        public String First_Name;
        public String Gender;
        public int Id;
        public String Last_Name;
        public String status;

        public Excel() {

        public int getAge() {

            return Age;

        public String getCountry() {

            return Country;

        public String getDate() {

            return Date;

        public String getFirst_Name() {

            return First_Name;

        public String getGender() {

            return Gender;

        public int getId() {

            return Id;

        public String getLast_Name() {
            return Last_Name;

        public String getStatus() {
            return status;

        public String toString() {
            return "Excel{"  
                    "Age="   Age    ""   ", Country='"   Country   '\''  
                    ", Date='"   Date   '\''  
                    ", First_Name='"   First_Name   '\''  
                    ", Gender='"   Gender   '\''  
                    ", Id="   Id  
                    ", Last_Name='"   Last_Name   '\''  
                    ", status='"   status   '\''  

this my Main Activity class

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    private var coursesLV: ListView? = null
    lateinit var coursesArrayList: ArrayList<Excel>
    lateinit var reference: DatabaseReference
   lateinit var Img_set:ImageView
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        Img_set = findViewById(R.id.Img_set)
        Img_set.setOnClickListener {
            intent= Intent(this,Admin_Info::class.java)
        coursesLV = findViewById(R.id.idLVCourses)
        coursesArrayList = ArrayList()

    private fun getdata() {
        val adapter = ArrayAdapter(this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, coursesArrayList)
        reference = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference("Excel")
        reference.addChildEventListener(object : ChildEventListener {
            override fun onChildAdded(snapshot: DataSnapshot, previousChildName: String?) {
                for (ignored in snapshot.children) {
                    val currentUser = snapshot.getValue(Excel::class.java)!!

            override fun onChildChanged(snapshot: DataSnapshot, previousChildName: String?) {

            override fun onChildRemoved(snapshot: DataSnapshot) {


            override fun onChildMoved(snapshot: DataSnapshot, previousChildName: String?) {}
            override fun onCancelled(error: DatabaseError) {}
        coursesLV!!.adapter = adapter

this is my database structure as json file

  "Excel": [
      "Age": 32,
      "Country": "United States",
      "Date": "15/10/2017",
      "First_Name": "Dulce",
      "Gender": "Female",
      "Id": 1562,
      "Last_Name": "Abril",
      "status": "open "
      "Age": 25,
      "Country": "Great Britain",
      "Date": "16/08/2016",
      "First_Name": "Mara",
      "Gender": "Female",
      "Id": 1582,
      "Last_Name": "Hashimoto",
      "status": "close"
      "Age": 36,
      "Country": "France",
      "Date": "21/05/2015",
      "First_Name": "Philip",
      "Gender": "Male",
      "Id": 2587,
      "Last_Name": "Gent",
      "status": "open "
      "Age": 25,
      "Country": "United States",
      "Date": "15/10/2017",
      "First_Name": "Kathleen",
      "Gender": "Female",
      "Id": 3549,
      "Last_Name": "Hanner",
      "status": "close"
      "Age": 58,
      "Country": "United States",
      "Date": "16/08/2016",
      "First_Name": "Nereida",
      "Gender": "Female",
      "Id": 2468,
      "Last_Name": "Magwood",
      "status": "open "
      "Age": 24,
      "Country": "United States",
      "Date": "21/05/2015",
      "First_Name": "Gaston",
      "Gender": "Male",
      "Id": 2554,
      "Last_Name": "Brumm",
      "status": "close"
      "Age": 56,
      "Country": "Great Britain",
      "Date": "15/10/2017",
      "First_Name": "Etta",
      "Gender": "Female",
      "Id": 3598,
      "Last_Name": "Hurn",
      "status": "open "
      "Age": 27,
      "Country": "United States",
      "Date": "16/08/2016",
      "First_Name": "Earlean",
      "Gender": "Female",
      "Id": 2456,
      "Last_Name": "Melgar",
      "status": "open "
      "Age": 40,
      "Country": "United States",
      "Date": "21/05/2015",
      "First_Name": "Vincenza",
      "Gender": "Female",
      "Id": 6548,
      "Last_Name": "Weiland",
      "status": "open "

I retrieved Data from realtime database and it came in json but I want to sort it in row and columns, can you help sorting this data into such manner that I get age in age row & column and so on , I want to implement search view on this so I can search data by row and columns like excel sheet, is that possible ?

CodePudding user response:

When you're using a ChildEventListener, there is no need to loop through the children. You should simply use:

override fun onChildAdded(snapshot: DataSnapshot, previousChildName: String?) {
    val currentUser = snapshot.getValue(Excel::class.java)!!

Besides that, don't also forget to handle errors:

override fun onCancelled(error: DatabaseError) {
    error.message?.let {
        Log.d("TAG", it)
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