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ASP.NET MVC How to be logout when same user is logged in from different computer


I did a lot of research but I couldn't find a clear solution. If logging in with the same user from a different computer, the old login must be logout.

My controller action code:

public ActionResult Index(User usr)
    var response = LoginManager.Login(usr);
    if (response != null)
        Session.Add(Session.CurrentUser, response);
        return RedirectToAction("index", "Home");
    return View();

LoginManager.Login code:

public static User Login(User usr)
    using (var db = new Entities())
        var data = db.Users.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Email == usr.Email && s.Pass == 
        if (data != null)
             var ip = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress;
             var addLog = new Log {UserID = data.Id, Date = DateTime.Now, IP = ip};

             return data;
        return null;

Session.CurrentUser code:

namespace ADMIN.Project
    public class Session
        public const string CurrentUser = "CurrentUser";

CodePudding user response:

Solution! it work fine.

Layout.cshtml Trigger

 var ip = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress;
 var controlip= HomeManager.GetLogIP(loginuser.Id);
    if (controlip.IP != ip)

        Response.Redirect("/Login/Index?msg=logged in from different computer");

Manager GetLogIP

 public static Log GetLogIP(int id)
   using (var db = new Entities())
      var value = db.Logs.Where(x => x.UserID == id).ToList().Last();

      return value;


 public ActionResult Index(string msg)
     ViewBag.Warning= msg;

     return View();
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