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How do i fix mutating operator isn't mutable error?


I'm trying to modify a dictionary containing a string as the key and an integer as the value. However, when I try to add/minus 1 from the integer, it returns me that error. currCleanup is a Cleanup object, which are clean up sessions people can host. items_collected is a dictionary within a Cleanup object.

 @Published var firestore = Firestore.firestore()
    @Published var errorMessage: String = ""
    @Published private(set) var cleanups: [Cleanup] = []
    @Published var currCleanup: Cleanup
//the functions with the error
func addOneItem(itemName: String)
        for (nam, num) in currCleanup.items_collected {
            if nam == itemName {
                num  = 1 //this is where the error occurs
        db.collection("Cleanups").document(currCleanup.username).updateData(["itemsCollected" : currCleanup.items_collected])
func delOneItem(itemName: String)
    for (nam, num) in currCleanup.items_collected 
        if nam == itemName {
             num -= 1 //here too
    db.collection("Cleanups").document(currCleanup.username).updateData(["itemsCollected" : currCleanup.items_collected])

CodePudding user response:

When you iterate over value objects, you don't receive a reference to their values, but rather new variables, where the value is copied to.

In your code, num is not a reference to the dictionary value, but a totally new variable. Even if you add var before (nam, num), it won't work: You'll only change the value of the variable num, but not the stored-in-dictionary value. Consider this example:

var dict = ["One" : 1,
            "Two" : 2,
            "Three" : 3]

let keyToChange = "Two"
for var (key, value) in dict {
  if key == keyToChange {
    value = 4

print(dict) // ["Two": 2, "Three": 3, "One": 1]

You need to access the dictionary value directly in order to change it:

var dict = ["One" : 1,
            "Two" : 2,
            "Three" : 3]

let keyToChange = "Two"
for (key, value) in dict {
  if key == keyToChange {
    dict[key] = 4

print(dict) // ["Two": 4, "Three": 3, "One": 1]

On the other hand, there's no point in loop, you can just check whether the key exists and change its value directly:

var dict = ["One" : 1,
            "Two" : 2,
            "Three" : 3]

let keyToChange = "Two"
if dict[keyToChange] != nil {
  dict[keyToChange] = 4

print(dict) // ["Two": 4, "One": 1, "Three": 3]

In your code it could be this:

if let value = currCleanup.items_collected[itemName] {
  currCleanup.items_collected[itemName] = value   1

Instead of this:

for (nam, num) in currCleanup.items_collected {
  if nam == itemName {
    num  = 1 //this is where the error occurs

CodePudding user response:

to increment your array of values at the given itemName, try this approach:

func addOneItem(itemName: String) {
    if currCleanup.items_collected[itemName] != nil {
        currCleanup.items_collected[itemName] = currCleanup.items_collected[itemName]!   1
        db.collection("Cleanups").document(currCleanup.username).updateData(["itemsCollected" : currCleanup.items_collected])

Similarly for delOneItem

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