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R: Subtract one value from some rows in multiple columns and another value from other rows in the sa


Beginner R programmer here.

I have 73 variables, 70 with questions (named Q1:Q72) and a grouping variable ("Color") with values "red" or "blue". If the participant (1 participant/row) is in group "red" they have values between 5 and 76 in columns Q1:Q76. If they are in group "blue" they have values between 77 and 148 in columns. However, I want all answers to be between 1 and 72. That is, I want to subtract 76 from Q1:Q72 if the participant is in group "blue" and subtract 4 from Q1:Q72 if participant is in group "red".

So far, my solution has been to split the df into two new df ("dfBlue" and "dfRed"), then subtract 5 from "dfRed" and subtract 76 from "dfBlue" and finally merge the two new dataframes.

Can someone help me with a more elegant solution where no new dataframe is needed?



Color Q1 Q2 ... Q72
red 5 46 ... 32
blue 107 85 ... 94
blue 83 145 ... 128
... ... ... ... ...
red 47 34 ... 74

How I want it to be:

Color Q1 Q2 ... Q72
red 1 42 ... 28
blue 31 9 ... 18
blue 7 69 ... 52
... ... ... ... ...
red 43 30 ... 70

CodePudding user response:

A dplyr option:

df %>% mutate(across(starts_with("Q"), ~if_else(Color == "red", .x - 4, .x - 76)))
#  Color Q1 Q2 Q72
#1   red  1 42  28
#2  blue 31  9  18
#3  blue  7 69  52
#4   red 43 30  70

PS. Please note the typo in your expected output: row 3, Q72 should be 128 - 76 = 56 52.

Sample data

df <-read.table(text = "Color   Q1  Q2  Q72
red 5   46  32
blue    107 85  94
blue    83  145 128
red 47  34  74", header = T)
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