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How to control accessibility voiceover text for the SwiftUI Image


For the SwiftUI Image element, the voiceover template is seems "accessibility label - image - image name", e.g. for

var body: some View {
        Image(systemName: "equal")
            .accessibilityLabel("my label")

I am getting voiceover response "my label image equal".

Is it possible for voiceover to only say "my label", and not pronounce the "image equal" part?

CodePudding user response:

Once the element gets the focus, the default trait(link, button, label, etc) will be played after accessibilityLabel text. That's the reason it reads out as "my label -> image"

To add or remove the default trait following methods can be used :

  • .accessibilityAddTraits
  • .accessibilityRemoveTraits


To recognize an image as a button:

Add .isButton trait and remove the .isImage trait, now VoiceOver can read the description of Image as "my label -> button"

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        Image(systemName: "equal")
            .accessibilityLabel("my label")

As an element can have multiple traits, remove the ones you don't want the voiceover to read.

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