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How to get the values only if all the keys have matched?


I want to make a method that returns keys and values. But only if the keys include the following string "_1" and "__last". If only one matches then exit the function, only if the two string are included in the key, return the key with the value for a weather.

$infoList = array("_key_1"=>array("time"=>9, "day"=>"Tuesday", "weather"=>"sunny", 
                  "_key_2"=>array("time"=>5, "day"=>"Tuesday", "weather"=>"cloudy"),
                  "_key__last"=>array("time"=>3, "day"=>"Sunday", "weather"=>"rainy"))

public function getData() {
 $list = array();
 foreach($infoList as $key){
   if(preg_match('/(_key)_(_1)/', $key) && preg_match('/(_key)_(__last)/', $key) == TRUE){
     $list[$key] = $list[$key]["weather"] 

 return $list


CodePudding user response:

You are making your life so much more difficult that it need be, use str_contains() its easier than building complex REGEX's and getting very confused by the look of it :)

I also fixed a number of other mistakes, such as the foreach that was not going to work, so check all the code. It is also better to pass data to a function/method otherwise you get into scoping issues!

$infoList = array("_key_1"=>array("time"=>9, "day"=>"Tuesday", "weather"=>"sunny", "humidity"=>"80%"),
                  "_key_2"=>array("time"=>5, "day"=>"Tuesday", "weather"=>"cloudy"),
                  "_key__last"=>array("time"=>3, "day"=>"Sunday", "weather"=>"rainy"));
function getData(Array $infoList) {
    $list = [];
    $found = 0;
    foreach($infoList as $key => $val) {
        if( str_contains($key, '_1') || str_contains($key, '__last') ) {

            $list[$key] = $val["weather"];
            $found  ;
    if ( $found >= 2 ) {
        return $list;
    } else {
        return false;


$res = getData($infoList);
if ( $res !== false ){
} else {
    echo 'Not Found';


    [_key_1] => sunny
    [_key__last] => rainy

CodePudding user response:

If you want to stick with RegEx, you can use positive lookaheads, the same way you check for passwords characters :

$pattern = '/^(?=.*_1)(?=.*_last).*$/';

$shouldMatch = [

echo 'next ones should match : ' . PHP_EOL;
foreach ($shouldMatch as $item)
    if (preg_match($pattern, $item))
        echo $item . PHP_EOL;

$shouldNOTMatch = [

echo 'next ones should NOT match : ' . PHP_EOL;
foreach ($shouldNOTMatch as $item)
    //  v------------ check
    if (!preg_match($pattern, $item))
        echo $item . PHP_EOL;

Output :

next ones should match : 
next ones should NOT match : 
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