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How to optimize an image processing algorithm with 3 for loops with numpy, C, numba (or CUDA) in pyt


I wrote the following task where I select in an image only the pixels with color (non black and white) and assign them a value according to a given scale. The current code which has 3 nested for loops takes 61 seconds to run on my MacBook Pro 2015 2.8Ghz Quad-Core Intel Core i7. My question is how can I optimize the code to make it complete faster:

  • 1.1 shall I vectorize in numpy?
  • 1.2 shall I write an external function in C?
  • 1.3 shall I use numba?
  • 1.4 I currently don't have a GPU but I want to buy one. Would such a problem be run quicker using a GPU with CUDA code and if yes, what would be the approximate speedup factor with respect to one of the other solutions (1.1, 1.2 or 1.3)?

Many thanks in advance!

import numpy as np
import pdb
import time

list_scale_values = [[255, 255, 1], [255, 252, 0], [254, 251, 0], [253, 248, 0], [253, 245, 0], [253, 242, 0], [252, 241, 1], [251, 238, 1], [252, 234, 0], [251, 233, 1], [249, 231, 1], [248, 230, 0], [248, 227, 0], [248, 222, 1], [246, 217, 3], [243, 212, 0], [238, 206, 1], [236, 200, 0], [233, 194, 1], [230, 189, 1], [228, 184, 1], [226, 176, 1], [223, 170, 2], [219, 166, 2], [221, 159, 0], [218, 153, 0], [215, 147, 0], [213, 142, 0], [211, 135, 0], [208, 129, 0], [207, 123, 1], [203, 118, 1], [202, 112, 2], [197, 106, 1], [196, 100, 0], [193, 94, 0], [191, 87, 0], [188, 81, 0], [186, 76, 1], [183, 70, 0], [180, 65, 0], [178, 60, 0], [177, 53, 0], [173, 47, 0], [170, 41, 0], [168, 35, 0], [165, 30, 0], [163, 25, 0], [160, 17, 0], [158, 12, 0], [157, 10, 0], [153, 9, 0], [151, 8, 0], [148, 10, 0], [141, 8, 0], [140, 8, 3], [137, 8, 2], [132, 7, 1], [129, 7, 2], [126, 7, 3], [124, 6, 4], [121, 5, 5], [118, 6, 5], [115, 5, 4], [113, 5, 5], [109, 3, 3], [106, 3, 4], [102, 4, 5], [99, 3, 5], [94, 2, 3], [91, 2, 4], [88, 2, 3], [82, 3, 6], [77, 3, 4], [73, 3, 5], [69, 3, 5], [67, 3, 4], [63, 1, 4], [57, 1, 4], [56, 1, 4], [52, 0, 2], [47, 2, 0], [46, 0, 0], [34, 0, 0], [3, 0, 2], [1, 0, 12], [1, 1, 71], [4, 0, 76], [1, 2, 82], [2, 3, 86], [2, 3, 93], [3, 4, 97], [3, 6, 103], [2, 6, 106], [3, 6, 113], [3, 7, 115], [1, 8, 122], [2, 9, 125], [4, 10, 132], [3, 11, 136], [3, 12, 141], [3, 13, 145], [4, 13, 152], [4, 12, 155], [4, 14, 163], [4, 15, 167], [3, 16, 172], [4, 16, 176], [6, 21, 182], [6, 26, 185], [5, 30, 192], [5, 34, 196], [6, 38, 199], [8, 41, 204], [8, 46, 209], [7, 50, 214], [7, 54, 218], [7, 59, 221], [8, 63, 224], [12, 67, 228], [9, 72, 225], [13, 77, 227], [15, 81, 229], [17, 85, 228], [19, 90, 230], [22, 96, 231], [23, 100, 232], [25, 102, 234], [29, 107, 233], [31, 111, 234], [31, 116, 233], [35, 120, 236], [38, 124, 237], [40, 128, 238], [41, 132, 237], [42, 138, 240], [44, 142, 241], [46, 146, 242], [48, 151, 243], [50, 156, 244], [50, 159, 244], [53, 164, 246], [56, 169, 247], [56, 174, 246], [60, 176, 249], [62, 180, 250], [63, 187, 251], [66, 190, 252], [68, 194, 253], [71, 197, 255], [73, 203, 255], [75, 207, 255], [78, 211, 255], [82, 213, 255], [87, 216, 255], [90, 218, 253], [94, 221, 254], [100, 223, 255], [105, 226, 255], [108, 230, 254], [112, 230, 255], [118, 234, 255], [121, 236, 255], [126, 239, 255], [131, 241, 255], [136, 242, 255], [142, 246, 255], [144, 248, 255]]

aliasing_velocity_cm_s = 46
scale_values_velocity = np.linspace(aliasing_velocity_cm_s, -aliasing_velocity_cm_s, num=len(list_scale_values))

list_scale_values_velocity = np.array(scale_values_velocity[:]).tolist()

# ensure black is zero
list_scale_values_velocity[int(len(list_scale_values_velocity)/2)] = 0

cropped_image = np.random.randint(256, size=(300, 300, 3)) # generate an image with 300x300 pixels of random value with 3 channels of 256 bits

velocity_image = np.zeros((cropped_image.shape[0], cropped_image.shape[1], 1))
start_time = time.time()
for i_frame in range(cropped_image.shape[0]):
    for j_frame in range(cropped_image.shape[1]):
        isColor_score = abs(int(cropped_image[i_frame, j_frame, 0]) - int(cropped_image[i_frame, j_frame, 1]))   abs(
            int(cropped_image[i_frame, j_frame, 0]) - int(cropped_image[i_frame, j_frame, 2]))
        idx_list = 0
        score = 1000
        if isColor_score < 20:
            velocity_image[i_frame, j_frame] = 0
            for z in range(len(list_scale_values)): 
              score_pixel = abs(cropped_image[i_frame, j_frame, 0] - list_scale_values[z][0])   abs(cropped_image[i_frame, j_frame, 1] - list_scale_values[z][1])   abs(cropped_image[i_frame, j_frame, 2] - list_scale_values[z][2]) 
              if score_pixel < score:
                score = score_pixel
                dx_list = z
            velocity_image[i_frame, j_frame] = list_scale_values_velocity[idx_list]  # the velocity is still in cm/s

end = time.time()
elapsed = np.round(end - start_time, 2)
print('Operation finished in {} [s]!'.format(elapsed))

CodePudding user response:

This code can be heavily optimized before needing to use numba or GPU offloading. For-Loops are probably one of the slowest methods to calculate in python, because there is a low of overhead. My suggestions would be:

1.1 use list comprehensions instead of for-loops. They can be magnitudes quicker in python.

1.2 another option would be to not bother with python, and instead use numpy to calculate your operations. For example:

color_scores = np.abs(cropped_image[:, :, 0] - cropped_image[:, :, 1])   np.abs(cropped_image[:, :, 0] - cropped_image[:, :, 2])

does what your code does in the loop thousands of times in one operation (and takes a fraction of the time). I measured a 100x speedup for this operation alone.

When it comes to performance in python, rely on numpy functions only. Those are written in C and much, much faster than regular python.

CodePudding user response:

Ok so first I converted the 3 nested for loop in a function as follows script_plain_pytho.py:

import numpy as np
import pdb

def extract_velocity(cropped_image, velocity_image, arr_scale_values, arr_scale_values_velocity, score):
  #def extract_velocity(cropped_image, velocity_image, list_scale_values, score):
  height = cropped_image.shape[0]
  width = cropped_image.shape[1]
  len_arr_scale_values = len(arr_scale_values)

  for i_frame in range(height):
      for j_frame in range(width):
          isColor_score = np.abs(int(cropped_image[i_frame, j_frame, 0]) - int(cropped_image[i_frame, j_frame, 1]))   np.abs(
              int(cropped_image[i_frame, j_frame, 0]) - int(cropped_image[i_frame, j_frame, 2]))
          idx_list = 0
          if isColor_score < 20:
              velocity_image[i_frame, j_frame] = 0
              for z in range(len_arr_scale_values): 
                #color_scores = np.abs(cropped_image[:, :, 0] - cropped_image[:, :, 1])   np.abs(cropped_image[:, :, 0] - cropped_image[:, :, 2])
                score_pixel = np.abs(cropped_image[i_frame, j_frame, 0] - arr_scale_values[z][0])   np.abs(cropped_image[i_frame, j_frame, 1] - arr_scale_values[z][1])   np.abs(cropped_image[i_frame, j_frame, 2] - arr_scale_values[z][2]) 
                if score_pixel < score:
                  score = score_pixel
                  dx_list = z
              velocity_image[i_frame, j_frame] = arr_scale_values_velocity[idx_list]  # the velocity is still in cm/s
  return velocity_image

I then converted the function into a cython function (saved in fastloop.pyx) and learning from this excellent tutorial: https://nealhughes.net/cython1/

import numpy as np
import pdb

def extract_velocity(double[:,:,:] cropped_image, double[:,:,:] velocity_image, double[:,:] arr_scale_values, double[:] arr_scale_values_velocity, double score):

  #def extract_velocity(cropped_image, velocity_image, list_scale_values, score):
  cdef int height = cropped_image.shape[0]
  cdef int width = cropped_image.shape[1]
  cdef int len_arr_scale_values = len(arr_scale_values)
  cdef double cropped_image_ij_0
  cdef double cropped_image_ij_1
  cdef double cropped_image_ij_2
  cdef double diff_01
  cdef double diff_02
  cdef double isColor_score
  cdef double arr_scale_values_z_0
  cdef double arr_scale_values_z_1
  cdef double arr_scale_values_z_2
  cdef double diff_03
  cdef double diff_04
  cdef double diff_05

  for i_frame in range(height):
      for j_frame in range(width):
          cropped_image_ij_0 = cropped_image[i_frame, j_frame, 0]
          cropped_image_ij_1 = cropped_image[i_frame, j_frame, 1]
          cropped_image_ij_2 = cropped_image[i_frame, j_frame, 2]
          diff_01 = cropped_image_ij_0 - cropped_image_ij_1
          diff_02 = cropped_image_ij_0 - cropped_image_ij_2

          if diff_01 < 0:
            diff_01 = - diff_01
          if diff_02 < 0:
            diff_02 = - diff_02
          isColor_score = diff_01   diff_02
          #isColor_score = np.abs(int(cropped_image[i_frame, j_frame, 0]) - int(cropped_image[i_frame, j_frame, 1]))   np.abs( int(cropped_image[i_frame, j_frame, 0]) - int(cropped_image[i_frame, j_frame, 2]))
          idx_list = 0
          if isColor_score < 20:
              velocity_image[i_frame, j_frame] = 0
              for z in range(len_arr_scale_values): 
                #color_scores = np.abs(cropped_image[:, :, 0] - cropped_image[:, :, 1])   np.abs(cropped_image[:, :, 0] - cropped_image[:, :, 2])
                #score_pixel = np.abs(cropped_image[i_frame, j_frame, 0] - arr_scale_values[z][0])   np.abs(cropped_image[i_frame, j_frame, 1] - arr_scale_values[z][1])   np.abs(cropped_image[i_frame, j_frame, 2] - arr_scale_values[z][2]) 
                arr_scale_values_z_0 = arr_scale_values[z][0]
                arr_scale_values_z_1 = arr_scale_values[z][1]
                arr_scale_values_z_2 = arr_scale_values[z][2]
                diff_03 = cropped_image_ij_0 - arr_scale_values_z_0
                diff_04 = cropped_image_ij_1 - arr_scale_values_z_1
                diff_05 = cropped_image_ij_2 - arr_scale_values_z_2
                if diff_03 < 0:
                  diff_03 = - diff_03
                if diff_04 < 0:
                  diff_04 = - diff_04
                if diff_05 < 0:
                  diff_05 = - diff_05
                score_pixel = diff_03   diff_04   diff_05 

                if score_pixel < score:
                  score = score_pixel
                  dx_list = z
              velocity_image[i_frame, j_frame] = arr_scale_values_velocity[idx_list]  # the velocity is still in cm/s
  return velocity_image

for this you have to create a setup.py file:

from distutils.core import setup
from distutils.extension import Extension
from Cython.Distutils import build_ext

ext_modules=[ Extension("fastloop",
              extra_compile_args = ["-ffast-math"])]

  name = "fastloop",
  cmdclass = {"build_ext": build_ext},
  ext_modules = ext_modules)

and then run the following from the command line:

python setup.py build_ext --inplace

Finally I imported the function in the main script

velocity_image = np.array(fastloop.extract_velocity(cropped_image, velocity_image, arr_scale_values, arr_scale_values_velocity, score))

I could get a speed up of more than 500x!!

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