Home > Software design >  PayPal API PopUp closes immediately after clicking PayPal button (Sandbox)
PayPal API PopUp closes immediately after clicking PayPal button (Sandbox)


I am trying to implement the PayPal API into my Django / Vue checkout system, but everytime i try to access checkout via the paypal checkout buttons, thepopup closes immediately and i get these errors: Error messages in developer tools

Obviously it has something to do with the cart's items' attributes and i tried to adjust them accordingly, but i can't figure out how to fix it. My Code:

    <div >
        <div >
            <div >
                <h1 >Kasse</h1>

            <div >
                <table >
                    <!-- vue for loop for looping through items in cart and displaying them in a table -->
                            v-for="item in cart.items"
                            <td>{{ item.product.name }}</td>
                            <td>{{ item.product.price }}€</td>
                            <td>{{ item.quantity }}</td>
                            <td>{{ getItemTotal(item).toFixed(2) }}€</td>

                        <tr style="font-weight: bolder; font-size: larger;">
                            <td colspan="2">Insgesamt</td>
                            <td>{{ cartTotalLength }}</td>
                            <td>{{ cartTotalPrice.toFixed(2) }}€</td>

            <!-- Fields for user information -->
            <div >
                <h2 >Versanddetails</h2>

                <p >*Felder müssen ausgefüllt sein</p>

                <div >
                    <div >
                        <div >
                            <div >
                                <input type="text"  v-model="first_name">

                        <div >
                            <div >
                                <input type="text"  v-model="last_name">

                        <div >
                            <div >
                                <input type="email"  v-model="email">

                        <div >
                            <div >
                                <input type="text"  v-model="phone">

                        <div >
                        <div >
                            <div >
                                <input type="text"  v-model="address">

                        <div >
                            <div >
                                <input type="text"  v-model="zipcode">

                        <div >
                            <div >
                                <input type="text"  v-model="place">
                    <!-- looping through errors for authorization -->
                    <div  v-if="errors.length">
                        <p v-for="error in errors" v-bind:key="error">{{ error }}</p>


                    <div id="card-element" ></div>

                    <!-- Part for PayPal implementation -->
                    <template v-if="cartTotalLength">

                        <!-- Set up a container element for the button -->
                        <div id="paypal-button-container"></div>

                        <!-- Include the PayPal JavaScript SDK -->
                        <div ref="paypal"></div>

                        <!-- <button  @click="submitForm">Weiter mit PayPal</button> -->

    import axios from 'axios'

    export default {
        name: 'Checkout',
        data() {
            return {
                loaded: false,
                paidFor: false,
                cart: {
                    items: []
                stripe: {},
                card: {},
                first_name: '',
                last_name: '',
                email: '',
                phone: '',
                address: '',
                zipcode: '',
                place: '',
                errors: []
        mounted() {
            document.title = 'Kasse | RELOAD'

            this.cart = this.$store.state.cart
            // Imported PayPal functionality from https://fireship.io/lessons/paypal-checkout-frontend/
            const script = document.createElement("script");
            script.src = "https://www.paypal.com/sdk/js?client-id=AeAKmRDX7HTesdUvfqYqCQz3fZHIkjAoQ5-BG6K-7xnL5GBMVvwQba53v-I8Fx1p9wurUtoBuk7D6bV1"; // Replace YOUR-CLIENT-ID with paypal credentials
            script.addEventListener("load", this.setLoaded);
            document.body.appendChild(script); // Adds script to the document's body
        watch: {
            $route(to, from,) {
                if (to.name === 'Category') {
        methods: {
            getItemTotal(item) {
                return item.quantity * item.product.price
            // Authorization methods
            submitForm() {
                this.errors = []

                if (this.first_name === '') {
                    this.errors.push('Bitte Vornamen angeben')

                if (this.last_name === '') {
                    this.errors.push('Bitte Nachnamen angeben')

                if (this.email === '') {
                    this.errors.push('Bitte E-Mail angeben')

                if (this.phone === '') {
                    this.errors.push('Bitte Telefonnummer angeben')

                if (this.adress === '') {
                    this.errors.push('Bitte Adresse angeben')

                if (this.zipcode === '') {
                    this.errors.push('Bitte Postleitzahl angeben')

                if (this.place === '') {
                    this.errors.push('Bitte Ort angeben')

            // Imported PayPal functionality from https://fireship.io/lessons/paypal-checkout-frontend/
            setLoaded() {
                this.loaded = true;
                    // createOrder: (data, actions) => {
                    //     return actions.order.create({
                    //     purchase_units: [
                    //         {
                    //         description: this.product.description,
                    //         amount: {
                    //             currency_code: "EUR",
                    //             value: this.product.price
                    //         }
                    //         }
                    //     ]
                    createOrder: (data, actions) => {
                        return actions.order.create({
                            "purchase_units": [{
                                "amount": {
                                    "currency_code": "EUR",
                                    "value": item.product.price,
                                "breakdown": {
                                    "item_total": {  /* Required when including the items array */
                                    "currency_code": "EUR",
                                    "value": item.quantity * product.price
                                "items": [
                                    "name": item.product.name, /* Shows within upper-right dropdown during payment approval */
                                    "description": item.product.description, /* Item details will also be in the completed paypal.com transaction view */
                                    "unit_amount": {
                                    "currency_code": "EUR",
                                    "value": item.product.price
                                    "quantity": item.product.quantity
                    onApprove: async (data, actions) => {
                        const order = await actions.order.capture();
                        this.paidFor = true;
                    one rror: err => {
        computed: {
            // Computing total price and total amount of all items 
            cartTotalPrice() {
                return this.cart.items.reduce((acc, curVal) => {
                    return acc  = curVal.product.price * curVal.quantity
                }, 0)
            cartTotalLength() {
                return this.cart.items.reduce((acc, curVal) => {
                    return acc  = curVal.quantity
                }, 0)

CodePudding user response:

The createOrder function inside setLoaded() is assigning properties using item although it's not clear where item comes from as it's not being passed in from anywhere:

setLoaded() {
  this.loaded = true;
    createOrder: (data, actions) => {
      return actions.order.create({
        purchase_units: [
            amount: {
              currency_code: "EUR",
              value: item.product.price,  // <--- item is not defined here
              breakdown: {
                item_total: {
                  currency_code: "EUR",
                  value: item.quantity * product.price,  // <--- or here

If you mean to reference the items in the cart data property you need to use this.cart.items and possibly loop through it if you're trying to send individual item details.

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