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Wrong output value in C# programm


Good evening everyone

I recently started learning C#. Since I have already studied C / C many times, and this semester I am studying Java, I thought that it would not be very difficult. But I ran into an unexpected problem.

The task is like this: "There are four persons. Person data is given in such format: name (string), height in meters (double) and weight in kilos (double). Create a class Person to store data about single person. Initial data is entered from keyboard (user input). Write a program that finds average weight of person and calculate which person is the lowest. If multiple persons are found to be the lowest, print them all. At least 3 custom methods must be implemented: for data input, calculation (-s) and for displaying results to the screen. Print initial data in table format, average weight and all data about the lowest person(-s) to console. Usage of an array of objects is not allowed."

The problem is that in the results table, I have fields Name, Height and Width. And for some reason, the height data is also written to the width field:

Write a person`s name-: Artem
Write a person`s height-: 1,81
Write a person`s weight-: 67

Write a person`s name-: Yaroslav
Write a person`s height-: 1,80
Write a person`s weight-: 65,5

Write a person`s name-: Ivan
Write a person`s height-: 1,78
Write a person`s weight-: 70

Write a person`s name-: Ann
Write a person`s height-: 1,78
Write a person`s weight-: 64

Write a person`s name-: x
|       Name     |      Height (m.)     |       Weight (kg.)    |
|   Artem        |          1,81        |    1,81(must be 67)   |
|   Yaroslav     |          1,80        |    1,80(must be 65,5) |
|   Ivan         |          1,78        |    1,78(must be 70)   |
|   Ann          |          1,78        |    1,78(must be 64)   |

And I don't even know why this is happening.


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Person
    internal class Program
        class Person{
            private string name;
            private double width, height;

            public Person(string name, double width, double height) {
                this.name = name;
                this.width = width;
                this.height = height;

            public string GetName() { return name; }
            public double GetHeight() { return height; }
            public double GetWidth() { return width; }

        static void Main(string[] args)
            string name;
            double height, width;
            int count = 0;
            List<Person> person = new List<Person>();

            for (int i = 0; ;i  ) {
                name = getName();
                if (name == "X" || name == "x") {
                height = getHeight();
                width = getWidth();
                person.Add(new Person(name, height, width));
                count  ;

            Console.WriteLine("|\tName\t |\tHeight (m.)\t|\tWeight (kg.)\t|");
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i  ) {
                Console.WriteLine("|   {0}\t |\t{2,8:f2}\t|\t{2,8:f2}\t|", person[i].GetName(), person[i].GetHeight(), person[i].GetWidth());

            double avg = SetAverageWidth(person, count);
            Console.WriteLine("\nAvergae width-: {0:f2}", avg);
            Lowest(person, count);

        static string getName() {
            Console.Write("\nWrite a person`s name-: ");
            string name = Console.ReadLine();
            return name;
        static double getWidth(){
            Console.Write("Write a person`s width-: ");
            double width = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            return width;
        static double getHeight(){
            Console.Write("Write a person`s height-: ");
            double height = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            return height;
        static double SetAverageWidth(List<Person> person, int count)
            double res = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i  )
                //if (person[i] == null) { break; }
                res  = person[i].GetWidth();
            return res / count;
        static void Lowest(List<Person> person, int count) {
            double max, min;
            int i = 0;
            max = min = count;
            for (int j = 0; j < count; j  ) {
                if (person[i].GetHeight() > max)
                    max = person[i].GetHeight();

            Console.WriteLine("\n-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- The Lowest -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- ");
            for (int j = 0; j < count; j  ) {
                if (person[j].GetHeight() == max)
                    Console.WriteLine("|   {0}\t |\t{2,8:f2}\t|\t{2,8:f2}\t|", person[j].GetName(), person[j].GetHeight(), person[j].GetWidth());

CodePudding user response:

Your format string only uses {0} and {2}. You're missing {1} in line 50:

Console.WriteLine("|   {0}\t |\t{2,8:f2}\t|\t{2,8:f2}\t|", person[i].GetName(), person[i].GetHeight(), person[i].GetWidth());

and line 106:

Console.WriteLine("|   {0}\t |\t{2,8:f2}\t|\t{2,8:f2}\t|", person[j].GetName(), person[j].GetHeight(), person[j].GetWidth());

Change the second format string to {1,8:f2}.

Other than that:

  • check the order of arguments in the constructor of Person, you accidentally flipped width and height when you create a new person
  • read about properties. C# does not use Get...() and Set...() methods like Java
  • check whether you want width or weight of the person

CodePudding user response:

        public Person(string name, double width, double height) {


   person.Add(new Person(name, height, width));

you have the arguments in the wrong order

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