I am solving the question 684. Redundant Connection
from from Leetcode with partial success (I am failing one of the testcases). The question is asked as following:
In this problem, a tree is an undirected graph that is connected and has no cycles.
You are given a graph that started as a tree with n nodes labeled from 1 to n, with one additional edge added. The added edge has two different vertices chosen from 1 to n, and was not an edge that already existed. The graph is represented as an array edges of length n where edges[i] = [ai, bi] indicates that there is an edge between nodes ai and bi in the graph.
Return an edge that can be removed so that the resulting graph is a tree of n nodes. If there are multiple answers, return the answer that occurs last in the input.
I solved this using BFS which gives a time complexity of O(n^2), however I read that using union-find will give a time complexity of O(n). My try with using union-find path compression is only partially working, and I am stuck figuring out why.
For these following data, my code is working correctly (Meaning my code returns correct edge):
However, for this testcase below, my code don't succeed in finding the correct edge (My union-find runs through all the edges and return false, meaning there was no redundant edges):
Input data: [[7,8],[2,6],[2,8],[1,4],[9,10],[1,7],[3,9],[6,9],[3,5],[3,10]]
From logs i can see that my union-find constructs the graph as following (with no detected redundant edges):
Here is my code:
class Solution {
fun findRedundantConnection(edges: Array<IntArray>): IntArray {
val parents = IntArray(edges.size 1) // 1 to N, we dont use 0
for(i in 1..parents.size - 1)
parents[i] = i //each node is its own parent, since this is a undirected graph
val rank = IntArray(edges.size 1){ 1 } //all nodes have rank 1 since they are their own parent
val res = IntArray(2)
for(edge in edges){
val (node1, node2) = edge
if(union(node1,node2, parents, rank, res) == false)
return intArrayOf(node1, node2)
return res
private fun find(
node: Int,
parents: IntArray
): Int{
var parent = parents[node]
while(parents[node] != parent){
parents[parent] = parents[parents[parent]] //path compression
parent = parents[parent]
return parent
//modified union which return false on redundant connection
private fun union(
node1: Int,
node2: Int,
parents: IntArray,
rank: IntArray,
res: IntArray
): Boolean{
val parent1 = find(node1, parents)
val parent2 = find(node2, parents)
if(parent1 == parent2){ //redundant connection
res[0] = node1
res[1] = node2
return false
if(rank[parent1] > rank[parent2]){
parents[parent2] = parent1
rank[parent1] = rank[parent2]
}else{ // rank[parent1] <= rank[parent2]
parents[parent1] = parent2
rank[parent2] = rank[parent1]
return true
Any suggestions on what the problem might be? I have not been able to figure it out.
CodePudding user response:
var parent = parents[node]
while(parents[node] != parent){
You're never going to get into the while loop.