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How reduce draw call in this sence? URP SRP Batcher


Unity2021.3.10f1, URP, SRP Batcher on

I created a 10x10x10 cube matrix in the sence. The cube is a prefab. It 1:1:1 default size, with a SRP Batcher compatible shader.

Now 5000 Batches in runtime. How can I reduce the batches?

enter image description here

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enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

CodePudding user response:


// scr* https://gist.github.com/andrew-raphael-lukasik/df4a36ff2ad89078258fd653c422a021
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class GpuInstancingForGameObjects : MonoBehaviour
    [SerializeField] Camera _camera = null;
    [SerializeField] MeshRenderer[] _meshRenderers = new MeshRenderer[0];
    /// <summary>
    /// Prefer "true" ☑ as "false" ☐ require updates every frame.
    /// It is a good idea to keep lists of still and moving mesh renderers in a separate components.
    /// </summary>
    public bool meshesAreStill = true;

    Dictionary<(Mesh mesh,Material material),(List<Transform> transforms,Bounds aabb)> _sources = new Dictionary<(Mesh,Material),(List<Transform>,Bounds)>();
    Dictionary<(Mesh mesh,Material material),(Matrix4x4[] matrices,Bounds aabb)> _batches = new Dictionary<(Mesh,Material),(Matrix4x4[],Bounds)>();
    Dictionary<int,Stack<Matrix4x4[]>> _freeMatrices = new Dictionary<int,Stack<Matrix4x4[]>>();
    Plane[] _frustum = new Plane[6];
    void Start ()

        if( _camera==null ) _camera = Camera.main;
        if( _camera==null )
            Debug.LogError( "no camera, can't continue" , this );
            enabled = false;

    void Update ()
        if( !meshesAreStill ) UpdateMatrices();

        GeometryUtility.CalculateFrustumPlanes( _camera , _frustum );
        foreach( var batch in _batches )
            var meshMaterialPair = batch.Key;
            var matricesAabbPair = batch.Value;
            var aabb = matricesAabbPair.aabb;
            if( GeometryUtility.TestPlanesAABB(_frustum,aabb) )
                    mesh:           meshMaterialPair.mesh ,
                    submeshIndex:   0 ,
                    material:       meshMaterialPair.material ,
                    matrices:       matricesAabbPair.matrices

    // void OnDrawGizmosSelected ()
    void OnDrawGizmos ()

        Gizmos.color = Color.yellow;
        foreach( var source in _sources )
            var transformsAabbPair = source.Value;
            var aabb = transformsAabbPair.aabb;
            Gizmos.DrawWireCube( aabb.center , aabb.size );
            if( Application.isPlaying && !GeometryUtility.TestPlanesAABB(_frustum,aabb) )
                UnityEditor.Handles.Label( aabb.center , "(out of camera view)" );

    void Initialize ()
        foreach( var meshRenderer in _meshRenderers )
            if( meshRenderer==null ) continue;
            var meshFilter = meshRenderer.GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
            if( meshFilter==null ) continue;
            var mesh = meshFilter.sharedMesh;
            if( mesh==null ) continue;
            foreach( var material in meshRenderer.sharedMaterials )
                if( !material.enableInstancing && Application.isPlaying )
                    Debug.LogWarning($"\"{material.name}\" material won't be rendered as it's <b>GPU Instancing</b> is not enabled",meshRenderer);
                if( material==null ) continue;
                var aabb = meshRenderer.bounds;
                var meshMaterialPair = ( mesh , material );
                if( _sources.ContainsKey( meshMaterialPair ) )
                    var transforms = _sources[meshMaterialPair].transforms;
                    transforms.Add( meshRenderer.transform );

                    var newAabb = _sources[meshMaterialPair].aabb;
                    newAabb.Encapsulate( aabb );

                    _sources[meshMaterialPair] = ( transforms , newAabb );
                    _sources.Add( meshMaterialPair , ( new List<Transform>(){ meshRenderer.transform } , aabb ) );
            if( Application.isPlaying )
                meshRenderer.enabled = false;

    void UpdateMatrices ()
        foreach( var batch in _batches )
            var matricesAabbPair = batch.Value;
            var matrices = matricesAabbPair.matrices;
            if( _freeMatrices.ContainsKey( matrices.Length ) )
                _freeMatrices[matrices.Length].Push( matrices );
                var stack = new Stack<Matrix4x4[]>();
                stack.Push( matrices );
                _freeMatrices.Add( matrices.Length , stack );

        foreach( var source in _sources )
            var meshMaterialPair = source.Key;
            var transformsAabbPair = source.Value;
            var transforms = transformsAabbPair.transforms;
            int numTransforms = transforms.Count;
            Matrix4x4[] matrices = null;
            if( _freeMatrices.ContainsKey(numTransforms) && _freeMatrices[numTransforms].Count!=0 )
                matrices = _freeMatrices[numTransforms].Pop();
            else matrices = new Matrix4x4[ numTransforms ];

            for( int i=0 ; i<numTransforms ; i   )
                matrices[i] = transforms[i].localToWorldMatrix;
            _batches.Add( meshMaterialPair , ( matrices , transformsAabbPair.aabb ) );


This solution provides AABB frustum culling and it is not enough to optimize your voxels-like case. If you consider these boxes to represent voxels then your next step would be to implement a voxel occlusion culling here (to hide boxes that are inside this shape).

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