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Divide dataframes of different size based on same key values


Context: I have 2 dataframes one with weekly sums for a given month/year, etc and another dataframe that takes the sum of that given month/ year. This is done to get the % values.

Lets say we have dataframe 1 with the total counts:


  Col1 Col2  Total_Counts
0    A   B1            10
1    A   B2            20
2    A   B3            30

And dataframe 2 with the weekly counts:


  Col1 Col2  Weekly_Counts
0    A   B1              1
1    A   B2              4
2    A   B3              6
3    A   B1             10
4    A   B2              4
5    A   B3              6
6    A   B1             12
7    A   B2             12
8    A   B3              6

How can I divide element by element matching col1 and col2?

I was trying this:

result= (weekly_dataframe.merge(total_dataframe,
              .assign(new=lambda x:round(x['Weekly_Counts'].div(x['Total_Counts'])*100,2))
.reindex(columns=[*weekly_dataframe.columns] ['Percentage']))

But the new column percentage keeps giving NaN

Desired output: So when I just do weekly_dataframe.merge(total_dataframe,left_on=['Col1','Col2'], right_on=['Col1','Col2'],how='left') I get to this image with Total_Counts_x and Total_Counts_y

What I have

When I change the code to this (note I added Total_Count_x and y):

result= (weekly_dataframe.merge(total_dataframe,
              .assign(new=lambda x:round(x['Total_Counts_x'].div(x['Total_Counts_y'])*100,2))
.reindex(columns=[*weekly_dataframe.columns] ['Percentage']))

I get this:


How could I fix this issue?

Thank you

CodePudding user response:

Since you're using pandas.DataFrame.assign, you don't need to reindex the cols to rename the %.

Try this :

result= (
                    .assign(Percentage=lambda x:round(x['Weekly_Counts'].div(x['Total_Counts'])*100,2))

# Output :


  Col1 Col2  Weekly_Counts  Total_Counts  Percentage
0    A   B1              1            10        10.0
1    A   B2              4            20        20.0
2    A   B3              6            30        20.0
3    A   B1             10            10       100.0
4    A   B2              4            20        20.0
5    A   B3              6            30        20.0
6    A   B1             12            10       120.0
7    A   B2             12            20        60.0
8    A   B3              6            30        20.0

CodePudding user response:

IIUC, is that what you're looking for? map will have a better performance over the merge

# create a dictionary of the col2 and total-counts from DF
d=dict(df[['Col2', 'Total_Counts']].values)

# map the total count from df using dict
df2['Total_counts'] = df2['Col2'].map(d)

df2['percentage']=(df2['Weekly_Counts']/df2['Total_counts'] )*100
   Col1     Col2    Weekly_Counts   Total_counts    percentage
0     A     B1                  1             10    10.0
1     A     B2                  4             20    20.0
2     A     B3                  6             30    20.0
3     A     B1                  10            10    100.0
4     A     B2                  4             20    20.0
5     A     B3                  6             30    20.0
6     A     B1                  12            10    120.0
7     A     B2                  12            20    60.0
8     A     B3                  6             30    20.0
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