I am working in unity/C# and trying to make a function that keeps an character in certain x range (-3 to 3). Below isthe code I got to work. Is there a way to simplify it?
//function creation to limit movement in the x axis
float rangeBoundX(int upperBound, int lowerBound, Vector3 i, float horMoveSpe = 0)
//will change velocity to keep the x value in the desired range. - velocity to mvoe away from the upper bound and positive velocity goes away from the lowerBound.
if (i.x > upperBound)
horMoveSpe = -1;
else if (i.x < lowerBound)
horMoveSpe = 1;
return horMoveSpe;
'private void FixedUpdate()'
Vector3 enemyforwardMove = transform.forward * enemySpeed * Time.fixedDeltaTime;
Vector3 horizontalMove = transform.position;
magn = rangeBoundX(3, -3, horizontalMove, magn);
horizontalMove = transform.right * magn * freq;
enemyRB.MovePosition(enemyRB.position enemyforwardMove horizontalMove);
CodePudding user response:
Yes, there is a way to simplify it. You can use Mathf.Clamp method https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Mathf.Clamp.html
example of usage of it: float xPos = Mathf.Clamp(xValue, xMin, xMax);
CodePudding user response:
Yes you can use Math.Clamp to bound any value Like this.
void update(){
float xPos = Mathf.Clamp(transform.position.x, -3, 3);
transform.position = new Vector3(xPos, transform.position.y, transform.position.z);
using this code you can bound the position of object horizontaly.