Shown below is the syntax used to change the legend / label names on plotly express
fig = px.pie(df,
values = "Total",
names = 'index',
hole = 0.5,
color_discrete_sequence = ['#2C3E50','#CACFD2'],
labels = {1:'yes', 2:'no'} )
fig.update_traces(textinfo='value percent')
However, the label names does not change as it shows as below
How can I change the legend / label names on the pie chart in plotly express as 1 should be "Yes" and 2 should be "No".
CodePudding user response:
Change the names of the values on index
with map
and then plot it:
labels = {1:'yes', 2:'no'}
df['index'] = df['index'].map(labels)
fig = px.pie(...)