I'm trying to create a script that copies and updates files into a folder based on what is found in a text doc. Since this list updates regularly, I'd like for the script to also remove any folders that are no longer present in the list as well.
The playlist.txt doc contains file paths:
Here's the script that I have so far that successfully copies the files as well any companion files from their original directory to the new one
\\\\, @echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set strmLibraryDrive=\\NAME\g\
set strmLibraryPath=Sample\Path
FOR /F "eol= tokens=1 delims=" %%E IN (playlist.txt) DO (
set originalLibraryDrive=%%~dE
set originalLibraryPath=%%~pE
set originalFileName=%%~nE
set originalFileExt=%%~xE
echo Original Library Path : !originalLibraryDrive!!originalLibraryPath!
echo Original File Name : !originalFileName!
echo original File Ext : !originalFileExt!
echo strm Library Path : !strmLibraryDrive!!strmLibraryPath!
xcopy "!originalLibraryDrive!!originalLibraryPath!\!originalFileName!.*" "!strmLibraryDrive!!strmLibraryPath!\!originalFileName!\" /D /E /C /Q /H /R /Y /K
xcopy "!originalLibraryDrive!!originalLibraryPath!\!originalFileName!*.*" "!strmLibraryDrive!!strmLibraryPath!\!originalFileName!\" /D /E /C /Q /H /R /Y /K
echo Finished.
I don't really know what I'm doing so any help is appreciated.
CodePudding user response:
set list=C:\your\list.txt
set folder=C:\your\path
dir /b "%folder%" > getfiles.txt
for /f "delims== tokens=1,2" %%G in (%list%) do (type getfiles.txt | findstr /l /v "%%G" >> delete.txt)
for /f "delims== tokens=1,2" %%H in (delete.txt) do (rmdir /S /Q "%folder%\%%H")
del delete.txt
del getfiles.txt