i have a irrational error, code:
#X Programming Language 2022(for Jadi) License: GPL #
from os import system #importing system func. for cmd
code_location = "" #saving code location in this
code = "" #saving code in this
def main(): #main func.
code_location = input() #get code location from user
code = get_code() #cal get_code and save res to code var
print(code) #print code
end() #calling end
def get_code(): #get_code func. for getting code from file
code_file = open(code_location, 'r') #openning file with method read and saving to code_file
res = code_file.readlines() #saving the content from file to res
return res #returning res
def compiler(): #compiler func. for compiling code
def end(): #when program end...
input("Press Enter to Countinue...")
if __name__ == "__main__":
and this is code directory: enter image description here
CodePudding user response:
Short answer: Your two code_location
variables are not the same thing.
Variable scopes
Variables have a property called a scope, which is essentially which context they belong to. Unless specified otherwise, variables within a function exist only within that function. Consider:
a = 0
def set_a():
a = 1
This will print 0
. This is because the a
variable within the function set_a
is actually a different variable to the a
defined in line 1. Although they have the same name, they point to different places in memory.
There are a few ways to do this:
Defining scope
Either, you can set the scope of a within the function to global
(instead of local
). What this does is now, instead of a
within the function pointing to a different memory location, it points to the same memory location as a
outside the variable. This is done like so:
a = 0
def set_a():
global a
a = 1
In this case, a
will be set to 1, and "1" will be printed
Passing as an argument
Another way to do this, and may be more relevant in your circumstance, is to pass the value as a variable to the function. In your case, you are using code_location
as the file path, so therefore what you want to pass code_location
into the function. You would then have to define your function like this:
def get_code(code_location):
and call the function (from your main
function) like this:
code = get_code(code_location)
When operating on files, it is best practice to use a with
block. This handles closing your file when you are done with it, and can prevent corruption of files in the rare case that something goes wrong with your code. This can be done like this:
with open(code_location, 'r') as code_file:
res = code_file.readlines()
return res
CodePudding user response:
Python global variables are read-only in local scopes (e.g. your function's scope) by default.
So in the line code_location = input()
you are essentially creating a new new local variable of the same name and assigning the input to it.
In order to write to your global variable instead, you first have to declare your intention:
def main(): #main func.
code_location = input() #get code location from user
code = get_code() #cal get_code and save res to code var
print(code) #print code
end() #calling end
You don't have to do the same thing in get_code()
since you are only reading from code_location
PS: As was alluded to in the comment, it's good practice to close opened files after you've finished with them:
def get_code(): #get_code func. for getting code from file
code_file = open(code_location, 'r') #openning file with method read and saving to code_file
res = code_file.readlines() #saving the content from file to res
code_file.close() # CLOSE FILE
return res #returning res
Or have it done automatically by a context manager:
def get_code(): #get_code func. for getting code from file
with open(code_location, 'r') as code_file: #openning file with method read and saving to code_file
res = code_file.readlines() #saving the content from file to res
return res #returning res