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subscript out of bounds for list! R


I am learning web scraping and have been facing one hurdle after another. I want to create a data frame full of the first table on this page for all portfolio managers, for the month of august, the year 2022.

So far, I have found a way to scrape a single table properly (I think! Please let me know if I can improve on this).

I haven't been able to bind all the tables into a data frame properly, also I wanted to find out if there is a way to transform this form type data into a proper data frame with the 1st column of every table as the variable and the second column as the row (I know I can use the usual data wrangling thing but I wanted to know if some function helped transform this form type data into a data frame).

> library(tidyverse)

> library(rvest)

> library(httr)

> url <- "https://www.sebi.gov.in/sebiweb/other/OtherAction.do?doPmr=yes"

> pm_id <- read_html(url) %>%
    html_elements('select[name="pmrId"].f_control option') %>%

> pm_id <- pm_id[2:416]

> sebi_pm <- function(x) {
    resp = POST(url, 
                body = list(
                pmrId= x,
                m .... [TRUNCATED] 

> #s <- lapply(pm_id[i], sebi_pm)
> #v <- sebi_pm(pm_id[1])
> #v
> #do.call() lapply(pm_id[1:5], sebi_pm)
> ha <- do.call("rbind", lapply(pm_id, sebi_ .... [TRUNCATED] 
#> Error in .[[1]] : subscript out of bounds

CodePudding user response:

Normally I would be a stickler for a reproducible example, but I think I know what you're getting at here... try this...

# DEPENDENCIES -----------------------------------------------------------------

# UTILITY FUNCTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------
get_pm_ids <- function() {
  url <- "https://www.sebi.gov.in/sebiweb/other/OtherAction.do?doPmr=yes"
  # get list of portfolio manager ids
  pm_ids <- read_html(url) |>
    html_elements('select[name="pmrId"].f_control option') |>

get_monthly_report <- function(pmr_id, report_year, report_month) {
  msg <- sprintf('fetching report for portfolio manager: %s; year = %s; month = %s',
                 str_split(pmr_id, '@@', simplify = TRUE)[ , 3] |> str_squish(),
  url <- "https://www.sebi.gov.in/sebiweb/other/OtherAction.do?doPmr=yes"
  params <- list(
    currdate = '',
    loginflag = 0,
    searchValue = '',
    pmrId = pmr_id,
    year = report_year,
    month = report_month,
    loginEmail = '',
    loginPassword = '',
    cap_login = '',
    moduleNo = -1,
    moduleId = '',
    link = '',
    yourName = '',
    friendName = '',
    friendEmail = '',
    mailmessage = '',
    cap_email = ''
  resp <- POST(url, body = params)
  pg <- httr::content(resp)
  tbl <- html_nodes(pg, 'div.portlet:nth-child(3) > div:nth-child(1) > table:nth-child(1)')
  result_df <- data.frame()
  if (length(tbl) == 0) {
    # no records found
    result_df <- data.frame(id = pmr_id, 
                            report_year = report_year, 
                            report_month = report_month)
  } else {
    tr <- html_nodes(tbl, 'tr')
    cell_captions <- lapply(tr, html_children) |> lapply('[', 1) |> lapply(html_text) |> unlist()
    cell_contents <- lapply(tr, html_children) |> lapply('[', 2) |> lapply(html_text) |> unlist()
    result_df <- data.frame(t(cell_contents))
    colnames(result_df) <- cell_captions
    result_df$id <- pmr_id
    result_df$report_year <- report_year
    result_df$report_month <- report_month

# MAIN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

## 1. fetch list of portfolio manager ids --------------------------------------
pm_ids <- get_pm_ids()

## 2. filter list of portfolio manager ids -------------------------------------
pm_ids <- pm_ids[ 2:416 ]

## 3. testing: fetch reports for a sample of managers in January 2022 ---------- 
tmp <- sample(pm_ids, 5)
reports_list <- lapply(tmp, get_monthly_report, 2022, 1)

## 4. combine the results ------------------------------------------------------
reports_df <- rbindlist(reports_list, use.names = TRUE, fill = TRUE) |> 

## 5. inspect results ----------------------------------------------------------
View(reports_df, 'downloaded reports')


This code could be improved by providing some kind of input validation and more robust error handling. Hope this helps!

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