Home > Software design >  In a powershell pipeline, how to wait for a cmdlet to complete before proceding to the next one?
In a powershell pipeline, how to wait for a cmdlet to complete before proceding to the next one?


Consider the following function:

function myFunction {
  sleep 1
  sleep 1
  sleep 1

As you can see it will emit those values, one by one down the pipeline.

But I want to wait for all the values to be emitted before going on. Like

myFunction | waitForThePreviousCommandToComplete | Format-Table 

I want the Format-Table above to receive the entire array, instead of one-by-one items.

Is it even possible in Powershell?

CodePudding user response:

Use (...), the grouping operator in order to collect a command's output in full first, before sending it to the success output stream:

# Doesn't send output to Format-Table until the pipeline inside
# (...) has run to completion and all its output has been collected.
(100, 200, 300 | ForEach-Object { $_; Start-Sleep 1 }) | Format-Table


  • Whatever output was collected by (...) is enumerated, i.e., if the collected output is an enumerable, its elements are emitted one by one to the success output stream - albeit without any delay at that point.

    • Note that the collected output is invariably an enumerable (an array) if two or more output objects were collected, but it also can be in the usual event that a single object that itself is an enumerable was collected.
    • E.g., (Write-Output -NoEnumerate 1, 2, 3) | Measure-Object reports a count of 3, even though Write-Output -NoEnumerate output the given array as a single object (without (...), Measure-Object would report 1).
  • In the case of Format-Table, specifically, you can use the -AutoSize switch in order force it to collect all input first, in order to determine suitable display column widths based on all data (by default, Format-Table waits for 300 msecs. in order to determine column widths, based on whatever subset of the input data it has received by then).

    • However, this does not apply to so-called out-of-band-formatted objects, notably strings and primitive .NET types, which are still emitted (by their culture-invariant .ToString() representation) as they're being received.

    • Only complex objects (those with properties) are collected first, notably hashtables and [pscustomobject] instances; e.g.:

      # Because this ForEach-Object call outputs complex objects (hashtables),
      # Format-Table, due to -AutoSize, collects them all first,
      # before producing its formatted output.
      100, 200, 300 | ForEach-Object { @{ num = $_ }; Start-Sleep 1 } |
        Format-Table -AutoSize

If you want to create a custom function that collects all of its pipeline input up front, you have two options:

  • Create a simple function that uses the automatic $input variable in its function body, which implicitly runs only after all input has been received; e.g.:

    # This simple function simply relays its input, but 
    # implicitly only after all of it has been collected.
    function waitForThePreviousCommandToComplete { $input }
    # Output doesn't appear until after the ForEach-Object
    # call has emitted all its output.
    100, 200, 300 | ForEach-Object { $_; Start-Sleep 1 } | waitForThePreviousCommandToComplete
  • In the context of an advanced function, you'll have to manually collect all input, iteratively in the process block, via a list-type instance allocated in the begin block, which you can then process in the end block.

    • While using a simple function with $input is obviously simpler, you may still want an advanced one for all the additional benefits it offers (preventing unbound arguments, parameter validation, multiple pipeline-binding parameters, ...).
    • See this answer for an example.

CodePudding user response:

Sort waits until it has everything.

myFunction | sort-object


$(myfunction1; myFunction2)
myFunction | format-table -autosize
myFunction | more

See also: How to tell PowerShell to wait for each command to end before starting the next?

CodePudding user response:

For some unknown reason, just putting the function inside brackets solved my problem:

(myFunction) | Format-Table
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