Working for the first time with Postgres flavor regular expressions and stumped on it's behavior here.
Input: 'xxxaaabc'
Expected: 'xxxaaazzzbc'
Logic: Match M a's, capture group, and add 'zzz' directly after the sequence
select regexp_replace('aaabc','(?!\Sa )','zzz','i')
Result: zzzxxxaaabc
select regexp_replace('aaabc','(?!\Sa )','zzz','i')
Result: xxxazzzaabc
select select regexp_replace('xxxaaabc','(?!=a )','zzz','i')
Result: zzzxxxaaabc
This one seems to get pretty close regexp_replace('aaabc','(?!\Sa )','zzz','i'), but the repetition of a's isn't working.
CodePudding user response:
Note the (?!\Sa )
pattern matches an empty location that is not immediately followed with a single non-whitespace char and then one or more a
The (?!=a )
pattern matches a location in a string, that is not immediately followed with =
and then one or more a
You can capture one or more a
s and then use a backreference to the match and then just append the zzz
select regexp_replace('xxxaaabc','(a )','\1zzz','i') AS Result;
See the DB fiddle.