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This property cannot be set after a connection has been opened


I'm trying to connect to Oracle through .NET Core following this docs:


But I'm facing this error:

This property cannot be set after a connection has been opened System.InvalidOperationException: This property cannot be set after a connection has been opened at Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleDataSourceCollection.Add(String tnsName, String tnsDescriptor) at Infrastructure.Persistence.Factory.ConnectionFactory.SetupOracleConnection() in C:\Users\WINDOWS\RiderProjects\TicketsAPI\Infrastructure\Persistence\Factory\ConnectionFactory.cs:line 22

I don't have clue why this is happening, there's my ConnectionFactory:

using System.Data;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client;

namespace Infrastructure.Persistence.Factory;

public class ConnectionFactory : IConnectionFactory
private const string TnsName = "ORCL";
private readonly ILogger<ConnectionFactory> _logger;

public ConnectionFactory(ILogger<ConnectionFactory> logger)
    _logger = logger;

public IDbConnection? Connection => SetupOracleConnection();

private OracleConnection? SetupOracleConnection()
        "(DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = DESKTOP-FP8GDE4)(PORT = 1521))(CONNECT_DATA =(SERVER = DEDICATED)(SERVICE_NAME = orcl)))"); // <-- This is the line 22 mentioned in the StackTrace 
    . . . //Some configs that are in the doc file.
    OracleConnection oracleConnection = null!;
        oracleConnection = new OracleConnection($"user id=kevinadmin; password=1234; data source={TnsName}");
        return oracleConnection;
    catch (Exception e)
        _logger.LogError("An error occurred while trying to connect to database {EMessage}", e.Message);
        return null;

CodePudding user response:

[edit: I may have misunderstood the issue. If the exception is happening on second and subsequent calls to Connection, then this answer might apply]

By declaring your property like

public IDbConnection? Connection => SetupOracleConnection();

you're instructing the { get; } (which is what the => is sugar for) to execute the SetupOracleConnection() every time it is accessed.

You should try to encapsulate that into a singleton instance.

private IDbConnection? _connection = null;
public IDbConnection? Connection => _connection ?? ( _connection = SetupOracleConnection());
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