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Fastest way to compare lists with threshold in Julia


I have to compare 2M lists which contains 3136 elements each

The way I do it now is:

function compare_matrices(connectivity_list, configuration_list)
    i = 1
    while i <= size(connectivity_list, 1)
        x = connectivity_list[i]
        j = i   1
        while j <= size(connectivity_list, 1)
            if all(isapprox(x[k], connectivity_list[j][k] ; atol = 0.0001) for k=1:1540)
                    deleteat!(connectivity_list, j)
                    deleteat!(configuration_list, j)
                j  = 1
        i  = 1
    return configuration_list

For information, these lists are originally matrices that I vectorised and sorted to be able to compare element per elements. As you can guess, this will take quite a long time.

push!(connectivity_list, sort(vec(connectivity)))

Where connectivity is a 2D (lower triangular) matrix

Is there a faster way to compare lists in such way using Julia? I thought about using Sets and compare them but some elements are similar, so it is not possible.

CodePudding user response:

This is about 70X faster on some contrived data, so expect a different factor on your real data. The main changes are as follows:

  1. Use a flag array to keep track of distinct vs. approximately equal vectors to avoid deleting vectors inside the loop.
  2. Skip vectors whose flag becomes false
  3. Use abs(x[k]-y[k]) <= 0.0001 instead of isapprox
  4. Return the modified array as configuration_list[flag]
function compare_matrices2(connectivity_list, configuration_list)
    l = length(connectivity_list)
    m = length(connectivity_list[1])
    flag = trues(l)
    for i = 1:l
        flag[i] || continue
        x = connectivity_list[i]
        for j = i 1:l
            flag[j] || continue
            y = connectivity_list[j]
            if all(abs(x[k]-y[k]) <= 0.0001 for k=1:m)
                flag[j] = false 
    return configuration_list[flag]
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