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What is better way to pass parameters into service method?


Here is a service that implements interface

interface Rating
    function create(User $user, User $rateduser, Rating $rating, Order $order);


The controller acceepts the request object:

{"rating": [{"rateid": 1, "rate": 4}], "userid": 1}

When I try to pass whole data into service:

public function store(RateRequest $request)
    $rating = RatingData::from(
            'rateid' => $request->get('rating.rateid'),
            'rate' => $request->get('rating.rate'),

    $user = Auth()::user();
    $rateduser = User::find($request->id);
    $order = new Order;

    $this->rating->create($user, $rateduser, $rating, $order);

How is better pass parametres into funciton using ideniticators $userid, $rateUserId, $orderId or concrete models? Or left it such as now?

interface Rating
    function create(int $userid, int $rateUserId, Rating $rating, int $order);


The controller looks dirty in my case.

Another problem what if tomorrow my model will be changed from eloquent to another? Then I have to change service methods

CodePudding user response:

I can suggest the following approach if you want to keep your controllers clean. (I do not claim that it is the only correct one)


class RatingDto extends DataTransferObject
    public int $rateId;

    public int $rate;

class CreateRatingDto extends DataTransferObject
    public int $userId;

    public int $rateUserId;

    /** @var RatingDto[] */
    #[CastWith(ArrayCaster::class, itemType: RatingDto::class)]
    public array $ratings;


class CreateRatingRequest extends FormRequest
    public function rules(): array
        return [
            'ratedUserId' => 'required|integer|exists:users,id',
            'ratings' => 'required|array',
            'ratings.*.rateId' => 'required|integer',
            'ratings.*.rate' => 'required|integer|min:1|max:5',

    public function getDto(): CreateRatingDto
        return new CreateRatingDto([
            'userId' => Auth::user()->id,
            'ratedUserId' => $this->input('ratedUserId'),
            'ratings' => $this->input('ratings'),


interface RatingServiceInterfate
    public function create(CreateRatingDto $dto): RatingModel;


class RatingController extends Controller
    private RatingServiceInterfate $ratingService;

    public function __construct(RatingServiceInterfate $ratingService)
        $this->ratingService = $ratingService;

    public function store(CreateRatingRequest $request): JsonResource
        $rating = $this->ratingService->create($request->getDto());

        return new RatingResource($rating);

Also, this implementation does not bind your service to models. At any time you can write a new interface implementation and substitute it through ServiceProvider. (if for example in another part of the application you need to save data to another database not compatible with eloquent)

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