print("abc".replaceAllMapped(RegExp("(.). "), (m) => "${m[1]}"));
//printed "a"
var r = r"${m[1]}"; //variables from outside
print("abc".replaceAllMapped(RegExp("(.). "), (m) => r));
//printed "${m[1]}"
//How can I get the same result "a" as the first example
How can I get the same result as the first example
I'm new to Dart lang and don't know what keywords to search for this.
Thank you.
I tried this, but maybe it's not a better way?
var r = r"${m[1]}";
print("abc".replaceAllMapped(RegExp("(.). "), (m) {
var r2 = r;
for (var i = 0; i <= m.groupCount; i ) {
r2 = r2.replaceAll("\${m[$i]}", m[i]!);
return r2;
CodePudding user response:
When you prefix a String with 'r', like r"some string"
, what is created is a raw string. In a raw string, all characters are interpreted literally - that is to say, there are no escape sequences and no interpolation.
The reason you're seeing the result "${m[1]}"
in the second example, is because that's the raw string that r
If you want your variable r
to hold the character 'a'
, then simply remove the 'r' from in front of the string literal, so that the value of m[1]
will be interpolated into the string.
var r = "${m[1]}";
// Or better yet (since string interpolation is not necessary here):
var r = m[1];
CodePudding user response:
Don't use a string. Use a function that you pass to replaceAllMapped
// Replacement *function*
String r(Match m) => "${m[1]}"; // Take a `Match`, return a string.
print("abc".replaceAllMapped(RegExp("(.). "), r));